Chapter 377

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AN: I know it's a little late, but Merry Christmas everyone! For those who have continued to read my fanfic this far. Thank you! I greatly appreciate all of you. Your support is the biggest motivator for me to write. As I look back over the last two years, I am amazed at just how much my life has changed because I chose to write this. Even more so as we approach the 1 million work count. Truly I am grateful and I hope that the coming year will bring even more new experiences for everyone.


Anticipation radiated out of the Bastard of Flynn who sat patiently while examining the private room he had been escorted to. It had been months since the firstborn of Henituse County had last been seen in public. Ever since the 'incident' that happened during his visit to the Mogoru Empire, there was lots of gossip going around regarding him. One of the most popular rumors stated that the God's Chosen One had secluded himself within the Grand Temple to pray for guidance concerning the oracle he'd received. Upon further investigation, the source of such a tale was discovered to be untraceable. As if the originator never existed to begin with. Or they were just that skill at erasing all hints of their presence. Did such an expert exist?

Slitted eyes focused on the connecting door which was locked. Only one name came to mind when he thought of such an intriguing situation. A clan which had spread like a wildfire all over the entire world. Molan. It had to be Molan. Meaning the redhead had personally ordered the spread of such a rumor himself. However, his instincts were telling him that such a calculative entity would've prepared for the dangers of the predictive futures in advance. So this gossip was highly likely a smoke screen so he could move around. Meaning he needed something from him that he could not get through Amare or the temples. Although there was literally no reason such a verated individual would have for requesting a meeting with the illegitimate child. He couldn't even officially use the Flynn name for himself. Not yet at least.

Subconsciously, he clenched his fists tightly while restrengthening his resolve to achieve his goals. No matter how much he was shamed or ridiculed, he would prove his worth to those hateful scum who shared half his blood. How dare they trample on his pride as a merchant.

A quiet click immediately caught the human's attention. Within seconds, the very wooden barrier which separated him from the highest authority within the temples moved. Gliding gracefully out of the way so that the topic of the entire world's social circles could enter the room. Unlike the clothes he wore during his visit to Roija, he now donned a simple cream colored shirt adorned with a gold and ruby collared brooch. Resting casually across his shoulders was a dark brown jacket that matched his carefully tailored pants. The expected long blood red locks had been dyed a navy blue which perfectly emphasized his amber irises. Long eyelashes fluttered as the 20 years old's gaze focused on the human.

Total silence permeated throughout the chamber as the mortal found himself staring with bated breath. Elegance exudated out of the deity's every move. Causing goosebumps to form on the brunet's exposed flesh as the God of Love claimed the chair opposite of him.

"It's been a while, Billos."

Speedily, the merchant bowed quite low while replying respectfully.

"I am greatly honored that Your Holy Eminence, the very existence chosen to speak on behalf of the Gods, would personally seek me out like this."

Stealthily, he observed the youth's expression for any hint of reaction. To his amazement, there was none. Not even his eyes gaze away the secrets flowing through the noble's mind. While his head was still lowered, the frightening Grand Duke strolled into the room with a tray of freshly brewed lemon tea which had been sweetened with honey.

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