Chapter 296

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Dozens of alert gazes surveyed their surroundings when the light dispersed. It would seem their destination was also within the forest. Was there a reason they could not enter the village using magic? Curiously, they turned to the person who would know exactly what was going on and where they were headed. To their surprise, he was standing still with his eyes closed as if he was listening to something or possibly someone. Were the Gods talking with him? Only the disguised dark elves were able to figure out exactly what was going on since they also could hear the panicked voices of the elementals.

-Please help our contractors!

-Run! They have dead mana bombs!

-The forest is dying! You have to save the forest!

-Black! Fire! Blood! Chaos! Help!

-That's right! We'll help too!

<Sounds like the combat has already started... Did one of that motherf***ing bastard's dogs do something?! There's no other reason that the battle started earlier than Kairos said it would...>

Just as the youth opened his eyes, a chill raced down every single mortals' spine. Were his eyes glowing? At the same time, it was like time around them froze. Not a single noise could be heard around them. As if every single animal in that forest had gone mute. Even the leaves did not rustle because all traces of the wind had vanished. Just what exactly was happening?

<Looks like the illusion barriers are still intact. So how the f*** did they get in?>

No one spoke as the deity touched a nearby oak tree. Suddenly, a loud shattering sound surged throughout the entire forest. Momentarily deafening all of the warriors. Once they got their senses back, every single person could hear the sound of weapons clashing and the normal unnerving explosions of magical combat. Screams mixed with desperate battle cries as the elves attempted to defend their home from the intruders.

"Choi Han. Choi Jung Soo. Lee Soo Hyuk. I need you three to focus on disarming and capturing as many of the terrorists as possible. Rosalyn. Eruhaben. Provide magic support. All archers need to provide ranged support for the vanguard. Mila. Focus on defense. Jack. Be prepared to treat all injured. Derin and Mary will treat anyone experiencing dead mana poisoning."

Anticipation radiated out of three mortals which caused the noble to turn towards them.

"Rasheel. Hannah. Zafar. You have my permission to create a sea of red."


"For my lord!"

"About d**n time!"

Immediately, the trio unsheathed their weapons or started to crack their knuckles. A familiar aura of light surrounded the cloaked Holy Maiden's blade. However, they had no way of knowing how baffling their behavior was for the outsiders.

"Ryn. Sya."

Swiftly, the immortal twins bowed next to the God of Love with their hands over their hearts like loyal knights. This sight caused the 19 years old's eyebrow to twitch in slight irritation.

"Don't let a single one of these bastards escape."

Both grinned when they realized the hidden command within his words. Burn or drown anyone who tried to flee from the scene. Meaning there was a chance a follower of the Cursed One was involved in this attack. Stealthily, the pair exchanged a look with the assassin who nodded ever so slightly. They would not let a single trace of Despair harm the redhead in front of them.

-Raon. I need you to focus on identifying all strong people. Alright?

-Yes, Papa!

Turning his attention to the Imperial knights and soldiers who had come to assist them, the noble noticed they were waiting for their instructions. Respect flowed out of many of them as they listened to the clearly experienced orders the One Who Speaks for the Gods was giving.

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now