Chapter 366

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Hundreds of exquisite plants which had been carefully planted and raised lined white sandstone pathways which led to the various sections of the Imperial Greenhouse. Their powerful aromas blended together perfectly prior to greeting the newly arrived group's senses. Hidden amongst their leaves and petals were dozens of rodents which anxiously watched them pass. When the 19 years old met one's beady gaze, a blood curdling screech came from deeper within the floral enclosure. Immediately, the lich became alert while also peeking back at the stoic redhead who did not seem panicked or worried regarding the cause or source of the sound. Did he simply not care? Or did he know that the Queen of Molden had already arrived? Should he pry a bit?

After a few minutes, the designated location for the tea party came into view. A large round table covered in a pale blue silk tablecloth was situated skillfully at the center of the clearing. On top of it was a gold 4- tier platter which held an array of snacks, desserts and fruits. Freshly picked flowers were used to decorate the open space. Including the cart filled with various teas, juices and even alcohol which had been placed next to the nearby garden boundary. Several black mages disguised as servants were standing at attention beside it. Armored knights bearing the crests of the Mogoru Empire, Paerun Kingdom and the Caro Kingdom stood guard behind their lords. Only those affiliated with the Molden Kingdom were gathered away from the table. Each one had a worried expression on their face as they witnessed their Queen crawl underneath the table. Almost as if she was desperately trying to hide from someone.

"...I'm going to die..."

Concerned by the woman's actions, the dusty haired prince looked at his friend and asked.

"Don't you think we should send for a doctor for Her Majesty?"

"Not yet. Let's wait to see what His Holy Eminence recommends we do."


His gaze then moved over to the white haired swordmaster who had his hands clasped together in what appeared to be prayer. Dangling around his wrists was a diamond encrusted rose gold pendant which bore the crest of the God of Love. Was he by chance a devout believer?

"...may Love's merciful light continue to guide me as I eradicate Roan's corruption..."

Instantly, the Future Sun of the Caro Kingdom frowned as he recalled the events of the recent conference. Did Paerun's Guardian Knight not learn his lesson yet? Even he had not yet been able to find any solid evidence regarding the claims of physical abuse the other had made that day. Only that the One Who Speaks for the Gods had been neglected by the Count. Although the massive list of rumors which surrounded the youth himself over the last decade were quite horrendous. How could anyone think such things about the Gods' Favorite?

"Right this-"

Before the lich could finish speaking, the heir of the Sekka Household jumped out of his seat and rushed over towards the veiled noble. Falling onto his knees directly in front of him while clinging onto his flowing robes. Tears stained his cheeks as he peered up at the deity.

"Oh how I've missed you my Go-"


With a malicious smirk on his lips, the indigo haired man firmly grabbed the human by his mouth with a gloved hand and slammed him down into the ground. Magic reinforcement magic which had been cast by the other Dragon Lord prevented the destruction of the landscape below and around them. However, his actions had been enough to alarm the knights. Those from Paerun glaring at the Crown Prince since they believed he was the one responsible for such sudden hostility. Golden browns however had noticed the aggressor glance at the youth beforehand.

Gracefully, the 19 years old crouched down and started to wipe the blood away from the snake's face with a handkerchief. To those watching their interaction from a distance, it appeared as if the youth was kindly treating the other's injury. Those closest to them though had heard the teen quietly growl a warning to the bewildered swordmaster.

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