Chapter 360

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Warm blood splattered all over the God of Love as the fresh corpse of a guard fell limply to the floor. Their head, cut clean off with one fluid motion. Gasps of amazement came from his fiance and the chimera who watched the normally kindhearted deity step over his deceased prey. His no longer disguised eyes glowed in response to his steadily increasing rage. All around them were magically reinforced cages and cells. Each one contained dozens of enslaved people of various races and ages. Including tiny children, pregnant women and newborn babies. Every single person had clearly been starved and only wore thin rags which barely covered them.

<Those d**n s***ty motherf***ing racist a**holes!!>

Horror could be seen on the petrified mortals' faces while they watched one of their captors get executed by these newly arrived strangers. Were they also going to get killed? Trembling in fear, the parents protectively embraced their terrified children. Many of whom could only quietly cry as they awaited their heartbreaking fate. Especially those of the darkness affinity.

"...I'm going to f***ing destroy them..."

Multiple entrapped experts stiffened up or glared warily at the masked entity. Based on the gem encrusted silver mask, they could tell he was a guest of the despicable Viscount. Meaning they were either a wealthy merchant or another despicable noble. Although his skill with a blade was far more skillful than they'd expect from a spoiled young master or a rich piece of trash. Would they be able to overpower him if he opened their cells? If it hadn't been for the suffocating aura he was releasing, many would've assumed they'd be able to do so. Mainly because the person appeared to be quite young and his body was extremely slender. Almost as if he never trained before in his life. However, that couldn't be the case since he effortlessly dispatched the guard.

Before anyone could stop him, the youth strolled towards the nearest cage and slashed it open with the still modified divine dagger. A fearful squeak came from a quivering black kitten whose fur was matted with dried blood. Her ears flattened back while she shrunk away from his gloved hand. Tiny fangs bared as the child hissed in protest. Behind her were three even smaller balls of unkempt fluff. One was a dull gold while the other two were way too dirty to tell if they were a natural white or pale gray. Of them, the youngest one was covered in the freshest blood. Its icy blues were hazy and unfocused when they weakly opened to look at him.


Upon realizing the noble was reaching for her dongsaeng, the frightened daughter of the Snow Cat Tribe weakly bit and clawed his arm. A low growl warning the deity to stop. Yet the 19 years old did not do so. Nor did he flinch from the pain. Instead he carefully touched the lethargic child in their head. Immediately, multicolored radiance crept out from underneath the God of Love's sleeve and enveloped the dying kitten. As soon as their sister saw the abnormal light, her jaw subconsciously slackened. Causing her to plop onto her back in shock and bewilderment.

Total silence permeated throughout the dungeon while those imprisoned witnessed a member of the Beast Tribe miraculously get healed by this stranger. How was such a feat even possible?!

"Careful, Rok Soo. If you use too much of your divine powers, you'll collapse."

Silverish emeralds peeked over at the dark elf who was covering the youth's mouth with a silk handkerchief. Worry and understanding were visible on the prince's face. His free hand was gently patting the deity's back as he started to violently cough up liquid radiance.

-Jayu. Focus on breaking open the cells and cages.

With an irritated scowl, the blond quickly obeyed the noble's instructions. Chaotic thoughts full of concern for the baby deity plaguing his mind. How could a God be such a compassionate and self-sacrificial entity? At this rate, the lesser races will try to manipulate or abuse his kindness.

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