Chapter 279

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After several hours of walking, the group at last discovered a large white castle within the very center of the Eastern continent's third restricted area. Tall gates stood protectively between them and whatever secrets were stored inside. At least until the God of Love and his fourth youngest approached them. Suddenly, they started to shake and creak before opening to reveal a half-transparent apparition of a young girl. Her long snowy curls accented the deep sapphire blues which observed the father and son duo from her gorgeous freckled face. A soft, pained smile that hid centuries of longing was across her lips. Based on her form's physical age, she appeared to be similar in age to the tiny black dragon which startled the young boy. Confusedly, the five years old looked at his guardian for answers to her identity. To his and the rest of their family's surprise, the strange entity who emitted a regalness and intimidating aura that even the ancient duo couldn't compare to spoke.

"Welcome home my precious baby."

Shocked was visible on everyone except the Gods' faces. Just who was this girl? Why was she calling Raon her child? Where did she even come from?


Unintentionally, the black haired boy stuttered from the unexpected revelation. Wide blues looked at the man who had saved him for answers. Would he know who this female was?

"It's nice to finally meet you, Lord Sheritt."

Finally, the ancient being turned her attention to the people accompanying her son. Eyes which matched his fourth youngest's immediately widened when she realized the identity of the entity who had greeted her. How had she not noticed his presence sooner? Gracefully, the fragment of the soul that belonged to the last Dragon Lord bowed with her hand over her heart and replied.

"I apologize for not greeting Your Supreme Eminences first. I'm afraid being dormant for thousands of years has dulled my senses. Please forgive this lowly existence for her offense."

<Ha— It's only natural for her to be excited to meet your baby after waiting literal centuries for his birth. I know Amna experienced the same longing and happiness when I was born.>

Without even realizing it, a soft smile had spread across the noble's lips. Albeit, only briefly.

"Please raise your head. My presence here today is that of Raon Miru's adoptive father and not surrounding my responsibilities as the God of Love."

Her reptilians shook when she not only heard her baby's name, but that an esteemed existence such as a God had adopted him! Furthermore, this very God had brought her previously stolen baby back to her! Tears welled up in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hands. A strong source of happiness and love radiated out of the apparition.

<How can a fragment of a soul produce so much love even after its physical body's death? Is it possible that she isn't just a remnant?>

Out of growing curiosity, the youth strolled over to the half-transparent girl and patted her head in order to comfort her like he would one of his daughters. Except, the instant his hand touched the apparition, his body was overwhelmed by all of her emotions and lost consciousness.



"Young Master-nim!"


"Your Excellency!"

Expertly, the patriarch of the Molan Household caught his youngest who did not appear to be in pain. Browns widened when they saw the shimmery multicolored crest on his son's chest had started to spread along the surface of his now tanned skin. In fact, the 19 years old's entire disguise had been deactivated. His horns, scales and wings were all exposed for the world to see. Knowing he needed to relocate the boy as quickly as possible, the assassin started to turn towards the eldest mortal. However, he was stopped by the God of Healing who quickly started to assess the noble's condition. Everyone could see fresh tears on his cheeks while a victorious smile crept across his youthful face.

"It's time."

Confused by his words, the group waited for him to explain. Although their unspoken questions were quickly answered a surge of white divine energy revealed the God of Life's Saint. Almost instantly, the ground started shaking prior to massive white vines emerging out from the sand and creating a protective barrier around the castle. There was only one reason such events would happen this close to the God of Love collapsing. He was entering his second growth phase! Excitement filled the entire young flock as they watched the immortals and God talk amongst themselves. Only the green haired boy had noticed the apparition had also vanished.

While the unusual family worked hard to get the baby deity relocated into the castle, a being of light found himself in a large cave again. Except this time it was made completely of white marble which had been expertly crafted and elegantly shaped. A staircase leading upwards was to their right while a door situated between two pillars decorated in gold vines was to their left.

<S*- Crap! Where am I now?>

After confirming that he was alone, the youth surveyed the only two options available to him.

<This definitely seems to be more like a test than my first growth phase. What am I even supposed to do here? Where am I supposed to go?>

When he took a step towards the door, he could see the staircase start to disintegrate which immediately caused him to return to his starting position. Was he only able to make one choice?


As soon as he had taken a step back, the room reverted back to its original form. Sighing in exasperation, the deity tried to spread his divine energy out around him. To his dismay, he could not do so. In fact, he could not use any of his powers except the wood element ones.

<Am I being restricted? Ha— Great... I guess I need to make a decision.>

Warily, the God of Love searched for a hint as to which way was the correct path. Could the vine decals be telling him that is the way to go? Then what about the stairs? Where exactly did they lead to? Or were the vines a form of deception meant to trick him? Logically, he should take the easiest of the two options. Why waste energy climbing all of those stairs when he could just walk through the door? Right? So why did he feel like doing the opposite of that? It didn't make any sense to him. Shaking the thought out of his head, the youth turned to face the door. Out of nowhere, a record of something he had read in one of the books from the God of Life popped into his head. A quote which prevented him from taking that first step.

'An entity capable of surpassing the normal boundaries set in place on nature. One who will take paths that others will not see or be able to dream of. In front of them, the unexpected shall become the expected. No one will be able to predict their fate as the true path they walk on will be created with their every step. All of existence will watch in awe as they shatter the restraints of reality and overcome the impossible.'

<So that's it~>

With a smirk on his face, the being of light pivoted around to find the most suitable place to create this path. Something was telling him he would only have one chance to do so this time.

<Based on what Amna wrote, the path will form as I walk. Although I still have no idea where it will lead me. Then again, anywhere is better than being stuck nowhere.>

There was no hesitation as the youth walked forward towards the bare wall. His gaze did not deviate from his new destination. No matter what stood in his way, he would get back to his children. His family. He would find a way to return to the people he loved and cherished.

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