Chapter 363

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By noon the following day, chaos had overtaken the entirety of the Roija Kingdom and was rippling into their neighboring nations. Even the market had been impacted since multiple of the powerful merchant groups which dominated the East's economy were undergoing a structural reform. Especially since their former owners had been executed the day prior by the highest authority within the temples. In order to avoid their own death or expulsion, they knew that they needed to purge their own ranks or hide the evidence of their crimes.

Amidst all of the disorder that had even spread to the Royal palaces, lay the person responsible for the upheaval atop a pile of pillows. Files filled with reports from his subordinates were set out all around him for him to sort through and read. Cuddled into his chest was a slumbering baby whose short blue locks were adorned with a diamond encrusted headband. Her frilly lavender dress was bunched up around her while her tiny fingers clung onto the youth's flowing silk robe for comfort. A gentle breeze tickled her eyelashes causing her face to scrunch up in her sleep.

Relaxing on the blanket with them were the eldest two mortal dragons who were sipping tea while enjoying their chosen novels. Seated directly against the sun kissed woman were two little elves who were weaving the pretty flowers around them into crowns for their father. Their own peach and icy blue hair were braided into updos. Beautiful garnet gemstones were inlaid inside their white gold floral hair pins. Their siblings were each drawing, reading, exploring, playing tag or climbing the few trees located inside the recently declared sacred garden. Even the rescued orphans were adjusting well as they became better acquainted with the deity's growing flock.

Bushes rustled as a trio of very exhausted dark elves strolled over to where the God of Love was lounging. Each had been attending meetings since they returned to the night prior. Most were with the Queenof Roija, Prime Minister and their ministers. However, there had been a couple calls between them and Roan's Sun. Topics discussed ranged from the corruption of the Purist faction to the upcoming journey the envoy would make to the Mogoru Empire.

With a weary sigh, the fake blond cleared away some of the folders near his future husband's head in order to make space for himself and his blood relatives. Once they were each settled, his aunt expertly poured him a glass of chilled herbal tea. Instinctively, the prince accepted it while studying the contents of the top file. Dyed sky blues shook while he read aloud some of the summarized rumors floating around both the Eastern and Western Continents.

"Blasphemous heretics slaughtered by the Gods' Chosen One."

"Dragons gathering around Roan's Future Sun."

Amusement shone in the ancient duo's no longer disguised reptilians. It would seem the lesser races had misunderstood the reason for their presence. Golds peeked over at the baby deity who was nibbling on a white chocolate drizzled berry cookie.

"A God has descended."

"Paerun's Guardian Knight forcibly repelled by God of Love's Sacred Barrier."

They heard the 19 years old quietly chuckle in response to the infuriating fanatic's suffering.

<Serves that greedy bastard right.>

"Ellaine Crossman and Jour Thames Henituse revived by the Gods."

"God of Love's Holy Maiden revealed to be a necromancer."

"Darkness affinity. Evil or Blessed? Teachings of the Sun conflict with those of Love."

Papers crinkled as the mixed blood unintentionally tightened his grip on them. A rift had begun to form within the beliefs of the population. If things continued to develop the way they were, the general perspective surrounding the dark races may eventually shift into a favorable one. Hope and excitement radiated out of the prince as he resumed reading the rumors.

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