Chapter 256

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Giggles came from a few children when they saw their slumbering father scowl in response to their poking. Fiery lashes fluttered briefly prior to revealing a set of red-brown irises. Squealing in happiness, five small pairs of arms wrapped around the deity's neck. At the same time, a cool scaly head rubbed against his cheek. It took a couple minutes before the excited kids released him and let him sit up. Smiles were one each of their faces. After all, they would finally be going home today. Plus they would get to see their human grandmother, aunt and uncle soon.

"Good morning, Papa~"

Beamed a tiny redhead with gold eyes. To the boy's delight, his guardian ruffled his hair while surveying the current situation of his bedroom. Sitting at the end of his bed was his fiancé who was struggling to braid his mixed blood daughter's dark brown locks. He could see both of the immortals were assisting the younger members of his flock in getting ready for the day as well.

"Looks like I'm the last one awake."

All eyes focused on the youth.


"He's up!"

Before he even realized it, dozens of children surrounded or covered his bed. Matching greens shone in anticipation as the older of the silver haired twins eagerly asked.

"Are we going back with Grandpa Henituse or Grandfather and Daddy?"

<Ha— I just woke up. Can't they wait a few minutes?>

A cup of sweetened lemonade was handed to the noble by the White Wolf since the assassin was busy. As he took a sip of its contents, the torture expert reported telepathically.

-They've been waiting for well over two hours, Dongsaeng. We had to bring them to your room since Zed was trying to convince them that visiting the palace would be more fun than the Henituse Territory. He's been trying to convince Alberu to publicize your engagement so that you and the kids can move into his palace. Deruth was not pleased and they've been sort of fighting for the last hour or so.

<Seriously?!! How are these middle aged men more immature than my own f***ing children?!>

Nodding in agreement with his youngest's thoughts, the patriarch of the Molan Household finished buttoning up the baby Whale's shirt. Then he added his own news.

-Bishop Tolis, who accompanied Cage to this world because she received the God of Death's divine item and is his Holy Maiden, started throwing a fit too. Apparently, he thinks that keeping a God's presence a secret is a sin. In fact, he is demanding that you be honored as soon as we return by having your identity publicized to the whole world.

<Is he f***ing crazy?!>


Amused by his sons comments regarding the greedy priest's sanity, the eldest of the brunets in the room continued to reveal.

-Don't worry too much about him. Derin, Lee Soo Hyuk, Choi Jung Soo and Cage said they'd handle it before they dragged him off somewhere to have a long chat.

-I'd have preferred to silence that rat myself.


When their father didn't answer her dongsaeng's question right away, the eldest of the kittens glanced at her grandfather and uncle. Were they communicating with him telepathically or was he still slightly dazed from waking up so abruptly?

-Zafar is currently sparring with Choi Han and Hannah. Ilu has placed Ryn on a timeout because he refuses to stop annoying the ancient dragons with his flirting. Additionally, Sya caught the idiot Thames trying to sneak out of camp last night.

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