Chapter 281

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Comforting warmth enveloped the sleepy God of Love. Burying his face into its source, the youth discovered he was completely covered in a half a dozen blankets. Each one had a plushness and softness which was far superior to everything he had ever felt in the mortal realm. Even the pillows under his head felt like he was lying on a cloud. A smile crept across his lips while he rolled over and got comfortable in the fabric comfort. However, the sound of flowing water caused the being of light to reluctantly open his eyes and look around. To his surprise, he was not back in the underground palace. Nor was he at the God of Life's temple. In fact, he was currently resting on a massive bed. Highest quality gemstones were expertly inlaid into the white gold bed frame. A familiar crest was carved into the headboard above him. All around him were white silk curtains with rose gold accents which depicted each of the elements.

<Holy s*- Where am I now?>

Warily, he sat up and reached out to take a peek at his surroundings. Except when he saw his hand was still that of his divine form, the deity suddenly realized that he was in his own domain.

<How has it changed so much? Wasn't it pitiful and dreary before? Where did this magnificent bed even come from? Although it is definitely perfect for me to slack off on~>

Tempted to close his eyes and fall back asleep, the God of Love sensed an unusual amount of divine presences had gathered in one spot. Instinctively, he pulled his blankets over his head and did his best to ignore them. After all, whatever was happening had nothing to do with him.

<This is perfect~>

To his dismay, one of the presences which he was most familiar with fluctuated quite chaotically as if they were angry. A frown spread across the being of light's lips.

<Ha— Which idiot had the gall to upset Amna?>

Even though he did not want to move, the deity knew he should calm his parent before someone seriously got hurt. Besides, it had been a while since he last visited them. Maybe they'd give him more sweets or a gift since he successfully completed his second growth phase.

<Other than Hyung, Amna really does make the best food~>

Opening up the curtain barrier, the immature God froze when he saw the bed was at the epicenter of what appeared to be a large garden. There were dozens of the plants he had created all around him. A tiny creek flowed amongst the beautiful blooms. Above him was a violet sky which had a massive white ball of light in it. One which looked extremely similar to the orb which had formed during his second growth phase. Awe rapidly filled him.

Unfortunately, he didn't have as much time as he'd have liked to admire his domain. A massive surge of power came from the God of Life's current location. Instinctively, he rushed over to their garden to find out what exactly was going on. When he arrived, he heard shouting from Gods whose voices he did not recognize.

"How dare you keep us from meeting the heir apparent!"

"He may be your child, but you have no right to forbid us from seeing him!

"You out of all Gods should know best that he will become the next Supreme God!"

<Hold on. What?!>

Rose gold reptilians immediately focused on the bushes where their child was hiding. Instantly, a terrifying benign smile spread across the eldest of the deities' lips. Storm clouds rapidly started to gather in the sky above them while the ground shook and cracked. Lava started to flow out of the newly formed crevices which caused the annoying Gods to panic. Even ice began to form on the leaves of the trees and the beautiful blossoms.

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