Chapter 329

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All attention moved to the muscular holy man whose dark green hair fell messily in front of his face. His lips were curled up into a victorious smirk while he searched the crowd for the second eldest of the immortals. However, his exclamation unintentionally filled the still awake members of God of Love's flock with hope. Before the adult dragons could stop them, the children briskly ran towards the Saint whose pupils trembled when the silver haired twins stopped in front of him with expectant gazes. When the younger one didn't see their dark elf sibling, she peered up at the warrior and asked with a pained expression.

"Where's Unnie?"

Immediately, the man's heart shattered while his hands balled into fists at his side. Even if he wasn't good with children like the others, that didn't mean he wanted to see them cry or fall into despair like that despicable sadist of a Saint.


Just as he was about to answer the young Holy Maiden, the rest of his search group arrived and a pair of knights dragged in a trembling man.

"P-Please believe m-me! I d-didn't-"

Two gray rabbit ears twitched vigilantly while the prisoner pleaded his innocence. Although they instantly flattened to his head when their owner saw the amount of humans glowering at him.


"Disgusting impure!"

Enraged shouts filled with hatred echoed throughout the gathered crowd. Each one causing the little Night Hare to quiver in fear. Instinctively, she grabbed her eldest officially adopted brother's hand and squeezed it tightly for comfort. A pair of pale blues quickly focused on her in response to her unspoken request. Instead of pulling away from her, the White Wolf pulled his precious sibling closer to him and grasped the hilt of his sword at his side. No matter the risk, he would protect her from anyone who wished her harm. Especially the irritating Purists.

"Die you beast!"

Suddenly, a still filled wine glass was hurled at the man's head by an upset baron. Gasps of shock and amazement came when the fragile cup was caught effortlessly by the patriarch of the Molan Household. On his lips was a benign smile which sent chills of terror down the reckless attacker's spine. Molten browns moved from the pitiful noble to the impulsive battle junkie.

"Do you have proof that this man is the perpetrator responsible for poisoning Her Majesty?"

Both knights looked at the holy man for assistance. Neither could bring themselves to answer the terrifying Duke. Except the muscular warrior was also scared of the immortal. Swallowing nervously, the dark green haired man handed a small opaque vial over to the adoptive father of the God of Love. An eerie aura pricked the brunet's flesh when the item made contact with his palm's flesh. One which made him instantly want to destroy it. Unfamiliar text was carved into the fragile container. Not even his son's memories proved useful in identifying it, yet his instincts could still somehow tell where the vial had originated from.

<How in the world did something from the demon realm end up here?>

As the amount of questions in his head continued to increase, the trained killer coldly assessed the pitiful beast person. There was no way any mortal obtained this themselves. Meaning it was a trap or game set up by the Cursed One. They had already confirmed that the fake Saint had been brainwashed and manipulated by the God of Despair's dogs. Even the boy's memories were not left untouched. Somehow they had been altered after he was arrested for treason.

"Where did you find this?"

It wasn't hard to tell that the accused had been starved. Possibly imprisoned based on the state of his clothes and how noticeable his bones were. If he had been starved, his weakened health condition would explain why he, an adult, couldn't control his transformation properly.

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