Chapter 265

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It was a little before noon by the time the God of Love woke up. To his surprise, his stepmother was seated on the bed directly next to him. In fact, his head was resting on her lap when he opened his eyes which caused the hand that had been stroking his head to halt mid comforting motion. He peeked up at her to see her closing the book she had been reading. When their eyes met, the expression on her face softened. She could see his gaze wasn't as hazy or hollow looking as it had been the night prior.

"Good morning, Sweetie. Are you feeling better than last night?"

Still slightly drowsy, the 19 years old nodded in confirmation. At some point, the nightmares had just stopped and been replaced by comforting memories from his first life that he hadn't been able to remember up until now.

<Amna must've done something.>

A couple minutes of silence passed by with the youth expecting the Countess to make him move his head now that he was awake. Except, she didn't. If anything, she seemed to be enjoying herself and had even restarted stroking his head again. Was it really alright for him to be laying on her lap like this? Why was she even here? Didn't she have work to do? Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask her, the brunette disclosed.

"Ron had to run an errand in town. Beacrox is currently preparing lunch for everyone to eat once you head back to the Forest of Darkness. Everyone else is safe throughout the estate."

Instantly, she saw him stiffen up in response to her words. Was he upset that she was the one here and not them? Should she go get the younger immortal?

<One of the kids must've told them about the villa... Ha— Of course she'd be worried about the kids being around monsters. Should I bring her and Dongsaengs over for a visit?>

Unaware of what the other was thinking, the duo started to speak at the exact same time.

"I can get-"

"Do you want to come with us and see where we live?"

His question had caught her off guard. Was her presence not an issue then? Wait- Did he really just invite her to the underground villa her grandkids had told her so much about? This wasn't a dream, right? She hadn't fallen asleep while reading. Right?


Realizing she had been lost in thought for a moment, the woman smiled affectionately at her eldest son while answering.

"I'd love to."

<Basen and Lily will come to if Mother is going.>

Briskly, the deity sat up and sections of his long white hair fell down into his face. This sight caused her lips to twitch in slight amusement.

<Mama used to do my hair...>

"Would you like me to brush and braid that for you?"

Silverish emeralds quickly looked at her in surprise which soon transformed into unspoken anticipation. However, the rest of his face remained expressionless.


His shock grew when he saw he grab his spatial pouch off the side table and pull out the divine comb he had obtained in the other world.

<Did Papa tell her about that? If so, why did he do that? It's not like I need someone to take care of me... I'm not a little child...>

Even though he was agitated, the youth instinctively positioned himself in front of the brunette similarly to how he would sit for his birth mother and the God of Life. Since his back was turned towards her, he did not see the smile on her lips grow. Although he could sense the unexpected happiness radiating out of her.

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