Chapter 224

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The instant he had disconnected the call, the Crown Prince threw on his cape and rushed out his office. There wasn't much time. It was one thing to deal with his fiancé's rage, but now the God of Life had gotten involved. Based on what his partner had said, they didn't have much time until judgment was cast and there was no way he could let the entire Roan Kingdom face divine wrath. While he descended the final set of stairs, his aunt suddenly appeared and fell into step beside him. In her hands was a flashing communication device.

"I've sent someone to inform His Majesty of our situation."

"Good. And the knights?"

Passing him a series of documents needing approval, she explained.

"Those able to gather in such short notice will meet you at the nearest gate. Your horse is outside and ready for your departure."

Expertly, the mixed blood signed the Royal injunction necessary for placing the Jotun Household under house arrest. He didn't even stop walking as he did. Eventually, they arrived at the main entrance of his palace. Pocketing the decree, he instructed his blood relative.

"Take care of things here while I'm gone. Contact me if Cale calls again with further updates."

"Of course. Please stay safe, Your Highness."

-Be careful not to get dragged into the punishment. Get in and out quickly.

He waved farewell prior to stepping outside. Another disguised dark elf quickly guided his mount over to him. Nimbly, he climbed on its back and headed to the arranged meeting spot. Sky blues widened in surprise when they saw that at least a several dozen fully armored Royal Knights had mobilized together for him.

<A year ago, I would've been lucky if a handful came at my summons.>

"We shall ride to Baron Jotun's residence. Once there, focus on evacuating all of the staff and Young Master Serkan. Do not allow any other member of the family to leave the premises. His Holy Eminence says we won't have much time until the Gods pass judgment on them."

Riding along in front of the humans, he stoically commanded.

"Get in and out. If you have to use force to get someone outside, you are permitted to do so. I have been warned by the One Who Speaks for the Gods that anyone near a member of the Jotun Household other than Young Master Serkan will die along with them."

Multiple warriors shifted anxiously or exchanged looks with those around them.

"Our objective is to keep as many innocent lives from dying as possible."

Admiration filled the knights at his words. To think the Future King would risk his own life by taking charge of leading them into such an extremely dangerous situation.

"Let's go."

Without saying a word, the armored group departed for the noble district. Gossip spread like wildfire when everyone saw them traveling through the streets. Even more so since the Crown Prince was leading the warriors himself. Was something about to happen? Could this be related to what happened during the End of Year Celebration. Has the Royal Family finally decided on a punishment? If so, was it necessary to bring so many warriors with him to arrest the baron?

At the residence's gate, the blond jumped off his horse and pulled out the official directive.

"As of this moment, everyone except the Jotun Household shall be evacuated from these premises. Failure to comply with this decree will result in unnecessary deaths."

Motioning with his hand, the Royal Knights rushed inside. At the same time, all of the neighboring nobility started to come outside to watch what was happening. Turning to the highest ranking subordinate, the mixed blood ordered.

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