Chapter 254

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When they returned, everyone gradually dispersed to do their own thing. Many went to watch the sparring competition between the swordsmen. Those with the dark affinity, the Moon God's representatives and the God of Death's Holy Maidens chose to instead study the newly created plant. After setting up some recording devices in the training area, the former princess headed to the library to find even more books on advanced magic. To her surprise, the 19 years old was already there researching divine dragons. Instinctively, she hid from view before peeking around the corner to observe him. It was rare to see him completely alone like this. Did he maybe want his privacy? Should she just come back later?

<Ha— Am I that terrifying that my family has to hide from me now?>

Without even looking up from the book in front of him, the God of Love stoically inquired.

"Is there something you need from me, Rosalyn?"

Reds quaked in response to his question. Was she an idiot? What was she even thinking by trying to hide from a God? Swiftly, the mage stepped out from behind the bookshelf and strolled over to the one which contained the materials she had come for. Once she had selected a few of the thicker books, she walked over to the table where the noble was and queried.

"Can I join you?"

Silverish emeralds glanced up at her briefly before returning to reading the unfamiliar text.

"Do what you want."

A small smile was on the human's lips as she claimed the seat next to the deity and started to set out her note taking supplies. Peeking over at the handsome God of Love, the mortal noticed the amount of books piled up beside him. Did he read all of those already? Awe filled her as she turned her attention back to her own selected task. Opening the first of the tomes, she started to read through its contents. Various magic circles were drawn on the pages inside. Each more advanced than anything she had seen in her life. According to both the ancient dragons, the literature in this library was far superior compared to those of their world. There was no telling when she'd get an opportunity like this again. That was why she chose to miss the sparring competition. After all, knowledge was more valuable to her dream than entertainment.

An hour of silence flew by very quickly. Only the sounds of pages turning and a pen scratching on paper filled the space between the duo. Eventually, the 19 years old noticed the former princess was growing irritated. She was repeatedly crossing out whatever she was writing.

<Should I help her? I do need her to become stronger. Might as well. Let's just consider it an investment for the future.>

To her surprise, the youth held out his hand as if asking for the book. Hesitating momentarily, she passed it to him prior to disclosing.

"It's the magic circle on the bottom of the right page."

Reptilians focused on the image for what seemed like a second before he handed the book back to her. Immediately, she felt a strange sense of sadness. Of course someone who didn't study magic wouldn't understand what was written there. Sighing in exasperation, the mage lowered her head in defeat. How was she going to become a tower master like this?

"The third rune in the sequence was translated wrong. It should be-"

Surprise was visible on the fiery haired woman's face when her gaze shot up towards the noble.

"This one here. You should read it as jera instead of a reverse kauna."

Opening and closing her mouth from the shock, she hastily began making the corrections to her work as he suggested them. Just how knowledgeable was the God of Love? Was everything she had been struggling with simply instinct to him? More importantly, when did he manage to move her notebook closer to himself so that he could see what she was writing?

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