Chapter 373

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Inside the God of Love's guestroom, they discovered the single lifer standing guard outside the bathroom door. His hand cautiously grasping the hilt of his sword. When he saw the deity, his expression brightened and he hurried over to him. Dark irises sparkling in unspoken anticipation of praise. Just like a puppy greeting his master. Patting the swordmaster on his arm, the youth trudged over to the sofa in the sitting area. He then motioned with his chin for the assassin to bring out the terrorist. Intrigued by what their guardian was doing, the flock of children selected their own seats and got comfortable while they waited for their grandfather to complete his task.

With a chilling benign smile, the patriarch of the Molan Household returned with a terrified red cat dangling by the scruff of its neck. Matching golds widened when the blood siblings realized he was a member of their tribe. Although they did not recognize him. After he was set down in front of the exhausted 19 years old, the duo warily approached the stranger. At the same time, the black haired boy seated next to their father exclaimed in excitement.

"Look, Papa! Another cat!"

Sapphires focused on the noble in hopeful expectation as their owner inquired.

"Are they going to be joining our family too?!"

Enlarged gold orbs stared at the One Who Speaks for the Gods. A mixture of bewilderment and fear twisting within their trembling depths. Had he heard correctly? Were there other cats aside from him? More importantly, why did the Gods' Chosen One capture him? Did he intend to hand him over to the Imperial Family? Or was he planning to punish him for the attack himself? There was no way their vengeance had enraged the Gods... Right?

"He's a cat too. A cat."

Repeated the small redhead quietly while studying the other in anxious curiosity. Their colorings were similar. Could he have a similar ability to him? Transforming into his own beast form, the little kitten slowly drew nearer to the now flabbergasted adult. Once the distance between them was almost non-existent, the boy smacked the older cat on his forehead while lecturing.

"You shouldn't play with poisons so recklessly! Someone could've gotten seriously hurt if not for Papa noticing your toys! Be grateful no one died! Nya~"

Incredulity could be seen on the traitorous knight's face. Why did this child think he was playing by detonating poison bombs? Just what sort of childhood was he experiencing to conclude that?

"Me and Noona will teach you about poisons! That way you don't make this mistake again!"

Everyone could see the corners of the deity's lips twitch and curl up a little. Scooping up his son, the God of Love calmly explained.

"I don't think the placement of the bombs was a mistake, Hong."

"It wasn't?"

Innocently, the 8 years old tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"No. He and his friends were definitely trying to assassinate Adin and Metelona tonight."

A gasp came from the red kitten who looked at the cat in not horror but instead unexpected sympathy. Smacking his paw on his father's knee, the young boy declared.

"Grandpa Ron has been teaching us about stealth and daggers! He can easily teach you how to properly assassinate someone!"

The leader of the rebellion could not believe his ears. Why would they teach a traitor who just tried to kill them how to murder someone? Shouldn't they be upset with him? His gaze swiftly focused on the silver haired girl who was still carefully observing him. She didn't even look at her brother while she reminded him of the current situation.

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