Chapter 379

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Awkward silence permeated throughout the room while the God of Love processed the siblings' words. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see similar pained expressions on the adult Red Wolves' faces. Of them, their leader's head was slumped forward in a mix of despair, defeat and sorrow. Both his hands were balled into tightly clenched fists. Following the deity's gaze, the woman began to gently loosen and roll up her brother's sleeves. Exposing gruesome scars which weren't even two years old. Ones which were noticeably fresher than the one that ran along his jaw. No explanation was needed for the noble to realize this warrior had fought hard to survive. All with the hopes to see his children again.

<If the rest of his body looks similar to that, recovery would've taken him at least a few months.>

Turning his gaze back to the confused duo on the screen, the 20 years old requested.

"Do you remember anything about the people who attacked your tribe?"

Uneasy glances were exchanged by the kids before the older of the pair disclosed.

-Strange humans who were too strong and wore unusual clothes.

<Strange humans. Unusual clothes. Hunters? Definitely not Arm since they would've mentioned their uniforms or crest by now.>

Nods of agreement came from their father while he too recalled that horrendous day.

-They spoke in an unusual language. However, they were definitely after dongsaeng-

-And Mama!

<Definitely sounding like Hunters. Although I don't understand what they'd want with a normal Beast People Tribe. Unless of course a single lifer was born into their tribe recently.>

Realization turned into a brief moment of shyness when the younger child peeked back at the communication device. Burgundy irises locating their current guardian as the girl explained.

-Mama and I-

Her voice trailed off while a flurry of emotions flickered across her face. Unshed tears burning her eyes. Threatening to escape her control. To her relief, no one pressured her to speak and waited patiently for her to continue.

-Mama and I- We can hear the voice of Nature.

<Ah. So they can hear the World Tree. Similar to Gashan.>

With an unreadable expression, the disguised deity waited for the little brunette to finish her explanation. At the same time, he could sense their kin attentively observing him again. Each one searching for any form of negative reaction to the cub's words.

-While we were traveling to visit the sacred shrine of our tribe-

<Shrine? Is the Red Wolf tribe by chance devoted to Amna? Or just the 'Ruler' of Nature? Is there a divine item stored within the shrine that the Hunters wanted?>

Yet again her story was cut off due to her fluctuating emotions. This time, her hyung kissed her head in comfort before taking over the retelling of the nightmares of their family's slaughter.

-We were raided by these people who almost appeared out of nowhere. They were too strong and struck down everyone in a matter of minutes. Even our berserk forms were useless. At the epicenter of the chaos, our father charged towards their leader. A strange cloaked woman who was surrounded by four people wearing animal masks. Their eyes-

<Eyes? Wait- Cloaked woman. Animal masks. S***! Why was that b**** there?!>

Upon seeing his guardian's glowing eyes, the 17 years old's expression changed from grief to realization before transforming into sheer hatred and rage. His gaze remained focused on the enraged God of Love's as he verbalized his conclusion.

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