Chapter 246

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Several hours after the sun had set, the God of Love woke up to find himself completely buried by children. In fact, it seemed like a part of the cave had been destroyed to make space for a second and third bed which were set up directly against his own. They now formed a massive bed which somehow held over four dozen members of his young flock. When he tried to move his arms, he discovered that five of his kids were desperately clinging onto them.

<So cute. Are they worried that I'll leave them? Or do they think I'll get kidnapped again?>

Very carefully he slid himself out of their grasp before gently moving the slumbering dragons off of his chest. Their wings fluttered a little in response to his touch. Then he maneuvered through the others until he was standing freely.

<I need to find out what Zed and Deruth are planning by coming to this world...>

Golds quickly opened when their owners no longer felt their guardian's warmth directly next to them. Neither spoke while they watched the 19 years stroll out of the cave. Once he was out of sight, they jumped off the bed and stealthily followed him. Not far behind them were black and fiery furballs who were curious about where their siblings were going.

Just outside the entrance were now nine altars. Out of them, there was an odd one which was simply identified by a sword stabbed into the ground. A bottle of liquor was set down in front of it as if it was an offering to the God it belonged to.

<Is that for Dene? Were there even any followers of the God of War on this planet? Why do I have this odd feeling that someone troublesome has arrived...>

To its right was a very neatly constructed rock altar with a dark gray candle on top. In front of it knelt a cloaked entity whose gaze secretly observed the youth.

<Is he a believer in Kairos? That's rare.>

Right before he walked past him, the stranger spoke up.

"I knew Jour was keeping a secret from us, but I honestly never would have thought it would be this grand of one. Who would have thought a God would be born into the Thames Household."

Immediately, the noble froze as his mind became chaotic. Did he know this man? More importantly, how did he know his mortal birth mother? What did he want from him? Was he an enemy or an ally? Everyone present who knew the deceased Countess should have known his secret already. So who was this outsider?


Fully alert due to the other's statement, the deity prepared to fight the mortal who had been waiting directly outside the place his kids were resting.

<I don't sense any divine energy so he isn't a new representative.>

"It was selfish of her to keep such an important detail from us. Especially since you have an ability which lets you manipulate and move outside the time of the mortal realms."

These words caused the God of Love to warily take a step backwards.

<Don't f***ing tell me- F***!>


Reptilians quaked when the man smirked and removed his hood to reveal bright blood red hair.

"Correct~ Nice to finally meet you, Nephew. I've heard a lot about you."

<From who?!!! D**n it! Who is talking to you about me?! Mama clearly wasn't!>

His face remained expressionless even though he was panicking internally. This sight amused the redhead whose smile grew even wider.

"Thankfully, those disgusting Black Bloods didn't succeed in their kidnap attempt. You belong to us after all. No other Hunter family deserves to have you."

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