Chapter 297

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Struggling to open his eyes due to excruciating pain overwhelming his senses, the God of Love found himself back inside the Henituse Estate. Or rather the estate as it had been almost a decade ago. Had he gone back in time again? No. There was no way the God of Despair could turn back time all on his own. Glancing down at his smaller than usual hands, he noticed that they were covered in wounds. His pupils shook at this discovery. Then a familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts and to the current situation.

"Absolutely disgusting."

Warily, his quivering gaze turned towards its source which was a group of servants standing with smug expressions on their faces. Their uniforms were the exact same as they had been back before his step mother had moved in. Was this a memory from his childhood? Could the infuriating bastard be trying to expose him to his most traumatic records in order to get him to fall into despair? If so, there was no way he could let himself get consumed by his past.

"How dare the Master shelter such an abomination?!"

<What? I don't remember this ever happening in my second life...>

Pain stole his sight when a metal candlestick was smashed down onto his head. Liquid light dripped down onto the floor in front of them. However, instead of being shocked by the lack of blood, the humans continued to mock and beat him. Each one of their attacks only added to the deity's confusion. How could he be experiencing a past that never happened?

<Is this an illusion?>

Raising his hand to try and block another strike which was yet again aimed at his head, the noble suddenly noticed a familiar figure standing by the window. One which he had witnessed just before he had lost consciousness. Anger surged through him and caused him to try to charge at the sadistic Saint. Unfortunately, a hand grabbed his throat and lifted his childish body up into the air. His feet flailed as he tried to escape the knight's grasp.

"Looks like he still has some fight left in him."

Audible amusement could be heard in the follower's voice while he crushed the boy's neck.

"There's too many eyes here, Gidon. Take him somewhere more private or you'll soon get found out by that annoying butler."

An irritated expression formed on the bastard's face. Shooting a very disrespectful glare at his superior, the irritated swordsman growled.

"Shut up. You said I can play with him as much as I liked today."

<Motherf***ing a**holes! I won't let you do as you want!>

Just as he tried to activate his divine powers, gold and white radiance spurted out of his mouth.

"Don't even think about resisting~"

Next to him a maid giggled with crescent moon shaped eyes and suggested.

"Maybe we should let him try to run~ Wouldn't it be even more fun to hunt him down and show him how futile his efforts are? After all, no one is going to help a cold hearted murderer~"


Almost immediately, the knight released him and the tiny child fell onto the hard stone floor.


While the now 8 years old was trying to regain his senses, the swordsman unsheathed his blade and stabbed it into the boy's leg. A scream left the deity's lips while his trembling hands reached towards where the weapon pierced his injured flesh. Tears welled up in his red-browns.

"Two hours. That's all I'll give him."

Chills of terror raced down the tiny redhead's back as his wide eyes stared up at the twisted monsters disguised in human form. Malicious smirks were on their lips as the bastard advised..

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