Chapter 248

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Snowy eyelashes fluttered in response to a playful poking on the youth's cheek. Within minutes, a set of silverish emeralds met sparkling dark blues. Instantly, triumphant and excited squeals came from the small group of children surrounding the deity. Five tiny pairs of arms squeezed his neck while a couple pairs of golds carefully observed their guardian. Everything that had happened the night prior was still present in their minds. Especially the eldest of the kittens.

She was quite concerned because of what he had shouted at his maternal uncle. Just what had he done in the past due to his despair and suffering? Why did he believe that he was a sacrifice for mere mortals when he himself was a God? More importantly, several of the things he said made it sound like he really had been suicidal at one point in his childhood. For some unknown reason, the silver haired girl could not shake this uncomfortable forbidding feeling which had rapidly been growing since last night.

"Did you have a good sleep, Papa?"

Each of his children were aware that their guardian had experienced a nightmare after his interaction with the man of Thames. They had all woken up to discover him crying and trembling in their grandfather's arms. For some unnerving reason he had been desperately apologizing to someone. Almost as if his life had depended on it. Sadly, it was highly unlikely that he'd ever tell any of them about it. Even the fact he had expressed some form of emotion regarding his past out loud had been shocking.

<On's anxious... Uncle had better not have done anything to my kids. Or he'll pay.>

Reptilians glanced at the 11 years old momentarily until a spatial pouch in the redhead's hands caught his attention. With sparkling eyes, he held out his hand to the younger kitten who swiftly gave it to him. There were detailed magic runes stitched into the expensive looking fabric.

"Grandpa Ron said that it appeared in front of your altar this morning."

<Ho~ Is this an offering? If Papa found it then he would've already confirmed its contents are not harmful to me. I wonder who left it for me. Magic is not taught to just anyone in this world.>

"Open it, Papa! I wanna see what sorts of treasures are in it!"

"Treasure! Treasure!"

Chuckling at the adorable cheers of his green and black haired sons, the God of Love examined the items inside his mysterious gift. There were hundreds of gold and silver coins. Fifty bottles of high quality liquors and wines. Dozens of books on various topics including ancient magic and medicines were inside. Rare or extinct plants, herbs and spices were all delicately wrapped in colorful silks. Various types of expertly crafted jewelry, toys and weapons had time preservation spells cast on them. Finally, the 19 years old located an unopened handwritten letter.

"For the God who does not discriminate."

When he opened it, he continued to read the elegant cursive.

"The last shard of the World Tree you seek is hidden in the God of Death's main temple."

<Who the f*** sent this to me?>

"Similar to you, we wish to purge this world of the darkness and corruption which has consumed millions of innocent lives."

<Just because they send me gifts, does not mean I'll believe you.>

"However, beware the despair hidden amongst the death."

<That a**hole's followers... Now that explains how the current temples could fall away from Ruslan's teachings to the point they torment his representatives.>

"For the past cannot be hidden from them. Old wounds can be reopened."


"Remember. What you see may not always be real."

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