Chapter 324

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Before the God of Love could even reach his guestroom, the ring on his hand which lessened his pain finally reached its limit. Liquid radiance started to pour down uncontrollably onto the teens cheeks which caused him to hastily duck into the nearest empty room. This reaction added to his family's concern as they swiftly rushed after him. To the group's surprise, the room they entered was an office space with an extensive collection of old books on magic and races of their world. On the large mahogany desk were neatly piled folders which had fancy looking crests containing either a white gold lion or a silver shield on them. A decorative container of chocolates sat in the lavish sitting area.

<S*- Crap! Based on the decor, this is probably the Prime Minister's office. We can't stay here too long since he will definitely head back here now that the alliance meeting is over.>

Realizing that he had selected one of the worst places to escape to, the deity struggled to prevent the annoying multicolored light from falling onto the floor. Swiftly, a new handkerchief began to wipe his cheeks while the man who raised him started to reassess his condition.

-Don't resist the ring, Cale. You know that will just make the side effects worse.

Biting his lip, the youth inclined his head a little to confirm he understood his father's words.

"Are you okay, Papa?"

Flinching a little, no longer dyed reptilians focused on the eldest of the silver haired trio. Her golds were attentively observing his every movement and reaction. Especially since she knew he would try to hide his pain and illness from them.

"Of course, On."

A look of skeptical doubt formed on his daughter's face.

"Grandpa Ron. Why is Papa crying?"

Just as the assassin was about to answer, the disguised pure blood dark elf queried.

"Is Papa in pain?"

Immediately, a set of sapphires became molten in rage. Black mana became chaotic while the five years old shouted in anger.

"I'm going to destroy those despicable humans! How dare they-"

To the child's bewilderment, his birth mother scooped him up into her arms and began stroking his head to calm him. His pupils shook in response to the sudden affection. Yet he did not resist it. Ever since her revival, he had begun to adjust to her comforting love and touch. Although it still didn't compare to the safeness and warmth he received from his adoptive father. A gentle kiss was planted on his head which caused his emotional storm to become even more chaotic.

"You mustn't kill anyone right now, Sweetie. Or it will make things complicated for Alberu and his goals of peace. No matter how much they deserve it, we must wait until your Papa or another God commands us to punish them."

"But, Mama!"

Chubby cheeks puffed out while her precious baby sulked.

"Listen to your mother, Raon."

Disbelief flickered in the boy's eyes when his guardian took the eldest immortal's side over his own. Lowering his head in sorrow, the tiny boy fidgeted with the ruby pendant hanging around the snowy haired woman's slender neck. Why couldn't he punish the bad people who dared to threaten his siblings' happiness or enrage his compassionate father?

<I hate this! Why did Aegle give me something with such an irritating effect?! Where did that crybaby even run off to again?!!>

Wiping at the glowing liquid rapidly staining his cheeks, the teen expanded his presence over the entire palace grounds in search for the older God. To his dismay, he couldn't locate him at all. As if the other had just disappeared again. Did something happen in the ethereal world which required his immediate attention? If so, he should've at least informed him prior to his departure. Why did he always seem to disappear when they needed him?

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