Chapter 243

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Half an hour later, the duo arrived at a clearing filled with hundreds of beautiful flowers. They almost seemed to glow under the setting sun's rays. Various animals curiously peeked out from the protection of the brush in order to observe the deity who radiated warmth and comfort. Fully aware that nature was drawn to his youngest son, the assassin skillfully set out a blanket for them to sit on. After taking a couple minutes to admire the colorful blooms, the 19 years old claimed the seat next to his father. Silverish emeralds widened slightly when an art book and supplies were placed on their owner's lap.

"Draw while we talk. It will help you stay calm."

Nodding in understanding, the noble started to draw images of the various Gods domains.

"To start, Cale, we need to discuss the importance of as well as some issues which may develop because of your domains."

Silverish emeralds peeked at the brunet.

"One of the things I've observed about you is that as the God of Sacrifice, you tend to sacrifice your own happiness so that others can have theirs."

<I know I'm selfish to want others to be happy...>

Squeezing his youngest's hand lightly, the immortal corrected him.

"That's not selfish, Cale. Sacrificing yourself for someone else makes you selfless."

<But I'm forcing my own desires onto them.>

Dark browns examined the 19 years old whose view of greed had become skewed due to the neglect and abuse he had endured.

"Selfishness focuses on your own personal profit and pleasure. If you were truly selfish, then you'd prioritize your own happiness and maturity. Even the little coveting you have towards money is so that the future of your family, especially that of your children, is secure."

<What does this have to do with the nonsense Alberu told me?>

Sketches of each of the statues the youth had seen earlier appeared on the paper on his lap.

"When you care about someone, you choose their happiness over your own. This can become a problem though since you are more likely to agree to enter a relationship with someone in order to keep that person from hurting emotionally or falling into despair."

Undisguised reptilians stared at the patriarch of the Molan Household in surprise.

<Why would I->

"Be honest, Cale. If you knew something you said or did would cause any member of your family to want to die, would you still choose to do or say it?"

Pupils shook prior to the deity averting his gaze.

"Exactly. You're the God of Love, Happiness and Sacrifice. That's why this conversation is necessary and important. I don't want you agreeing to something you don't really want in order to protect or make your family happy."

Sensing his eldest was approaching, the assassin firmly announced.

"Beacrox and I will not sit back quietly as you suffer on the behalf of others. If it means we have to have more talks like this in advance so that you understand, then we will do so. Alright?"

A slight nod came in response to his statement. Patting the noble on his head affectionately, the brunet glanced at the picture being created on the white sheets. It wasn't a place he recognized so he assumed that it was associated with the newly met God's domain that he had just visited.

"Now regarding what your fiancé told you. It's not actually nonsense."

Instantly, the hand drawing froze and the 19 years old looked at his father in complete shock.

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