Chapter 257

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The entire island shook as the magic circle on the target platform activated. Bright multicolored light overflowed out of the room and into the hall. Rapidly, the clergy gathered outside the doors and prostrated themselves in anticipation of the God of Love's arrival. A couple minutes after the light faded the twin doors creaked open to reveal the redhead and his group. Those who had never been to the God of Life's temple before looked around in complete astonishment. As soon as the deity came into view, the priests and priestesses shouted in unison.

"Welcome back, Your Excellency! Congratulations on completing your first growth phase!"

Their unexpected greeting caused the 19 years old to freeze in place.

<How do they know about that?>

-Every one of my followers was taught in advance that my temple will naturally adjust according to each of your phases. In fact, they all know what to expect and how to best assist you when something you aren't prepared for happens.

Nervously, the highest ranked mortal serving in the temple peeked up at the expressionless youth. Was he upset with them? Should they have prepared a fancier salutation?

<I see. So they are aware of my wings?>

-Yes, Sweetie. Ilu ensured they were thoroughly trained on the maturation of Divine Dragons.

<That's definitely good to know.>

Tiny arms hugged the noble's legs. Red-browns peered down to see his youngest officially adopted son was staring up at him in hopeful expectation. Chuckling at how adorable the boy was being, the deity scooped the four years old up into his arms. Then he turned towards the Royals and representatives.

"We will be heading over to the Henituse territory now. Zafar, Ryn and Sya. You three are free to go wherever your lords want you to go. Okay?"

Glancing over at the raven haired and blonde swordmasters, the God of War's Saint queried.

"Is the alcohol there delicious?"

His question caused the redhead's lips to curl up slightly. Both the Deputy butler and Vice Captain peeked at the Count who had a complicated expression on his face.

"Of course. Although it's not as good as the alcohol that Angelina-noona makes."

Delighted laughter came from the dark green haired man.

"According to my lord I'll have a lot of fun if I continue to accompany you. It's too bad Cotton is stuck in the Endable Kingdom. She's going to miss out on seeing a beautiful sea of red."

Unease radiated out of the prince.

-Hey, Cale... By sea of red, does he mean blood or fire?

<At this point it could be both. Unfortunately, if he's anything like Dene then it's probably blood.>

Exchanging a quick glance with her twin, the dark violet eyed woman cheerfully declared.

"Us too~ We'll come too~"

Stoically, the 19 years old examined the duo's appearances.

"Only if you make yourself look human. Right now you stand out a lot more than a man carrying a sword almost twice his height."

Several of the adults amongst his group nodded in agreement.


Dark violet light enveloped the siblings. Once it dispersed, their flesh no longer shimmered and their clothes had stopped flowing around them. However, their tattoos still looked very ethereal.

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