Chapter 271

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Only the sounds of nature around them could be heard as the youth stared at the older God in utter disbelief. New tears started to well in the other's eyes when the noble didn't say anything at all. Shouldn't the God of Love be happy to see him? After all, he could help him in ways that a mortal could not. Wasn't that something he wanted? Didn't he want to get better? He wouldn't yell at him and kick him out, right? Without a doubt, everyone would be disappointed if he failed to help the youngest and something happened to him again. Who knows what the God of Life would do to him. Especially since he had spent literally centuries studying medicine and the various health conditions of the mortal as well as immortal races. How would he be able to convince one of the most stubborn existences in the realms to get help without having to resort to pure emotional manipulation like the boy's mortal family?

"P-Please *hic* let m-me h- *hic* help you."

<Completely unnecessary. I already talked with Dr. Albwin.>

His thoughts alone caused the crybaby to burst out into even more tears. Crossing his arms across his chest, the younger of the duo frowned slightly as he asked.

"Why do you want to help me? As far as I can recall, this is our first time meeting in person."

<I did inherit his ancient power, but that shouldn't be the main reason he'd abandon his duties like this and rush over to the mortal realm. He should be focusing on the innocent lives who could actually die and not on some sick immortal trash like myself.>

Witnessing firsthand just how little such a precious entity valued himself broke the God of Healing's heart a lot. Instinctively, he tried to embrace the baby deity and ended up getting smacked in the head for it. A look of confused horror flickered briefly in the wide silverish emeralds that were staring directly at him.

<What the f***?! Why would he try to hug me? We just met!>

Clinging to his slightly aching head, the older man cried out in dismay.

"A-Amias! *sob* How *sob* can you b- *sob* be so mean *hic* to me?!"

<Is he being f***ing serious right now?! Which one of us showed up here unannounced and suddenly tried to touch the other as if we were close? D**n it!>

Suddenly, the man who appeared to only be in his late twenties pulled out a spatial pouch while attempting to wipe his tears with his free hand. Then he pulled out a series of ancient books, high quality liquors, priceless jewels and various ornate accessories. One of which was a white gold ring which held a yellow sapphire that had been carved into the shape of a bird. Somehow, the gemstone itself shimmered in a manner that it looked like it was on fire. Radiating out of it was an extremely strong presence of vitality.

"Noona *hic* says you l- *hic* like gifts."

Sharp reptilians carefully examined the new divine item whose purpose was still unknown.

"Your Noona was right."

<Wait- By Noona, is he referring to Aylin?>

Another awkward, yet proud grin formed on the other's face.


After laying out all of the items from within his spatial pouch, the now somewhat calmer deity grabbed the youngest's hand. He then put the beautiful ring on the same finger as the one which wore the God of Life's divine item. Almost instantly, a surge of emotions overwhelmed the already startled 19 years old causing liquid radiance to stain his tanned cheeks.

<F***! Why am I crying?!! What the f*** did you just do to me?! How is this helping me?!>

"Crying is healthy and helps release pent up stress. Plus it is calming."

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now