Chapter 203

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Whenever the pair moved closer to the place, the excruciating pain throughout the deity's body would almost become unbearable. After spending another half an hour looking at the gradually dwindling vendors, they started to ascend to the second floor. However, the instant that the God of Love saw the white oddly-shaped marble building at its center, a familiar nauseousness overwhelmed him. Following the Esteemed Sir's gaze, the dark elf explained.

"That is the Temple of the Demonic God."

<I've sensed dead mana, despair and faint demonic energy for a while now, but the amount coming from there is almost as bad as the Royal Palace. Not to mention the fact that traces of the God of Despair's presence were leaking out from below the first floor... Ha— So tired...>

Suddenly, the youth sensed the God of War's divine energy coming from behind him. Turning quickly on his heel, he saw a woman who seemed to be in her early twenties dressed in an old gray robe. Her smiling face resembled that of a baby polar bear due to her chubby cheeks.

<Why is Dene's Holy Maiden here?>

"Oh! Deputy Chief Priestess-nim!"

Bowing respectfully in greeting to the illusionist, the 78 years old man inquired.

"What brings you this far away from the temple today?"

Pink irises stared out from behind dark green bangs at the cloaked individual.

-Are you okay Your Excellency?

Pretending not to hear her question, the noble demanded.

"Do you need something from me?"

-Ah! He doesn't know. Got it. I have some things that will make your escape easier.

<So Dene sent her to help me. Was she also planning to break me out of prison herself?>

Swiftly, the disguised Holy Maiden pulled out a spatial pouch and offered it to him.

"This is a gift to welcome the Esteemed Sir. "

-Details of the guards route, shift change and a map of each floor are included inside. There are also a dozen short distance teleportation scrolls and information as well as coordinates of every city on the Eastern Continent. Additionally, there are silver and gold coins from each kingdom.

<Wow. Cotton is actually a useful representative. Unlike the battle junkie Saint.>

Since his face was fully covered by a mask, the 18 years old let his lips curl up into a smile.

"Thank you."

Putting the bag in his inner pocket, the still dyed black haired entity headed towards the passageway that led up to the third floor. Hastily, the dark elf said farewell to the priestess and ran after the person he believed was a Dragon-nim. Soon the residences of the Endable Kingdom's citizens appeared in front of them.

"We live in the western district over there."

After he pointed out the direction of their destination, the mortal guided the deity towards his family's home. Eventually a three-story building came into view. There was a smaller two-story section attached to its side with its own separate entrance.

"My eldest brother and his wife live in the shorter portion."

<Good to know.>

Peeking briefly at the youth, the older of the pair hurried to the door to let him inside. To his surprise, his siblings and father were all still awake and sitting in the living room talking. Grim expressions were on their faces. Instantly, his stomach sank. Did something happen to his mother while he was gone?

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