Chapter 355

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Dyed white golds stared out the window of one of their port bases. Bewilderment filled him as he watched the once cloudless sky transform into an anomalous hurricane. One which had begun a few short hours after he had ordered the departure of the 1st Battle Brigade for the Western Continent. Such a coincidence was not possible. However, he did not sense any magic within or influencing the raging winds. No. If anything, this nightmare storm held the scent of nature and something else. Something he recognized, but couldn't place. Cold glass greeted his calloused palm as it wiped the condensation of his breath off of it.

"Somehow, it's both natural and unnatural."

<Sort of like me.>

His gaze was sharp while he observed the waves crashing into the few remaining docked ships along the harbor. There was no doubt he'd be punished by the bastard he once referred to as father if the fleet was destroyed. Yet he didn't care. He had to confirm that the existence he had encountered was real. That he hadn't just imagined the entity of light.

If such a being was indeed real, then somewhere in the West there was a Darkness where he could obtain the things he desired most in the world. Based on his secret research, it was most likely the Forest of Darkness which now was guarded by a massive holy barrier. Almost as if the supposed God he had met was hinting to him that that was the place he must seek out. Yet he could not bring himself to leave Arm. Not yet. First he needed to confirm that the bastard White Star was in fact delusional. In order to do that, he had to see for himself if the Gods would inhibit Arm's plans. Which was the reason why he had the brigade depart earlier than scheduled. Even going as far as to give them precious magic devices which would fasten their journey.

Brilliant rose gold lightning lit up the pitch black sky. Causing the largest of the battle ships that was selected to be amongst the second brigade to explode. This sight alone made the edges of his lips twitch in an attempt to curl up into a smirk. One which grew even wider when he saw an alert that multiple of Arm's nearby bases had been destroyed by the storm as well. Nature was targeting them. Meaning at least one God was responsible for the hurricane outside.

"Looks like it's time for me to head to Roija."

<If I can convince the One Who Speaks for the Gods to allow me to accompany him, I'm certain I'll be able to enter Roan without that bastard noticing.>

Carelessly, he threw the uniform he once treasured more than his own life onto the bed behind him. Then the fake blond pulled up the hood of his cloak and exited the room he had used as one of Arm's Red Stars. Several mana bombs glistened in his hand. Each one finding a home someplace within the building as he headed towards the exit. He already intended to betray his master for a new one. Thus he didn't see any issue with resigning from his position with a bang.


Just as one of the subordinates who wasn't getting drunk in the dining hall had approached him to report on the brigade's fate, he stabbed them through their heart with his light. Fresh crimson oozed out of their mouth as their corpse fell lifelessly onto the floor.

<Such infuriating scum. Every single one of them.>

Powerful gusts threatened to expose his head as his simple-looking clothes billowed within their clutches. Clutching onto his hood with one hand, he tossed the final explosive through the wide open doors. Several magic circles surrounded him while he prepared to relocate to a kingdom he hadn't visited in over five decades. Taking one last glance at the structure beside him, he skillfully completed his spells.

A massive explosion shook the entire port town the instant the Dragon Half Blood vanished in a beautiful white gold radiance. All that remained of Arm's secret base was a crater which was rapidly filling with rain. Creating a bloody lake for a very enraged reincarnator to discover.

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now