Chapter 368

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AN: I know this chapter is incredibly short, however, I have included a thorough list of Cale's kids at the bottom. I have also attached an updated list of the Gods and their representatives. Later I will post an updated list of the adult members of Cale's makeshift family. Please feel free to let me know if you want something specific included. Enjoy!


Uncomfortable tension filled the God of Love's guest room while he was examined by the elves, his immortals, adult dragons and each of the older representatives. Each one wore similar grim expressions since they were unable to figure out exactly what had happened to him the day prior. Not even the two medics who had been dragged back there by their patriarch were able to conclude a diagnosis. Only one of the Saints sat back silently while the rest discussed amongst themselves. His fuchsias attentively observed the deity who was reading through some files which had been delivered from the refugee camp in Sha-Orlen by the indigo dragon. It would seem none of the others had noticed the traces of another God lingering off of him. One which he could not recognize. As if the presence was too weak. Or was it possibly that the God was an immature one? No. They could also be sealed. All he could confirm so far was that the one responsible for whatever happened was not of the Cursed One.

-Should I tell the others?

Immediately, piercing red-browns focused on him from across the room.

"Tell us what? Do you know something, Konane?"

Every single person present turned towards the baby faced holy man. However, it was the scary benign smile on the assassin's lips that encouraged the God of Youth's Saint to speak.

"I sense another God's presence from His Excellency."

Pausing briefly to take a bite out of a delicious chocolate caramel tart with the hopes it'd soothe his unsteady emotions, he clarified.

"Albeit a weak one which I don't recognize. If you focus really closely you should be able to notice it skillfully hidden within His Excellency's overpowering one."

Swiftly, the former excommunicated priestess retrieved her dongsaeng's hand and started to trickle her divine energy into the suffocating ocean of other's holy essence. Warm red dripped onto the floor below her prior to the Moon God's Saint hastily breaking her contact with the startled youth. When she stumbled back, the silver eyed man hurried to stabilize her while checking her own condition. Pupils shook when he discovered she had been repelled by a God's presence. Almost as if someone was preventing further examination of the redhead.


<What the f*** just happened?! Why is Cage bleeding?!>

With the torture expert's assistance, they relocated the brunette onto the unoccupied side of the bed for her to rest. In a matter of seconds, she had lost consciousness. When the 19 years old instinctively moved to heal her, his adoptive father stopped him.

-You mustn't, Cale. We still don't know yet what's happening to you. Although it's quite clear another God is either causing it or preventing us from investigating the cause.

Once he was certain his youngest wouldn't do anything which could hurt himself, the newly appointed Grand Duke of Roija motioned for the blond holy man to take over healing their fainted ally. His gaze watched warily as her chest rose and fell in haggard breaths.


Upon hearing her name get called, the reincarnated Countess seated next to their baby peered up at him. Reports on the Fayence Household sprawled out carefully on her lap.

"The key."

A gasp of understanding escaped from her lips as she briskly located and removed it from her spatial pouch. Handing it over to the assassin who frowned as he cautiously examined it. Out of all the divine items his son had encountered over the last week, it was without a doubt the most bizarre and mysterious one. Plus it was the only one connected to a God they didn't know. One who even the older Gods had requested his son not to inquire about or socialize with. Were they the one who was harming his child? If so, why hadn't the God of Life gotten involved yet?

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