Chapter 342

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Most of those who didn't know his real identity shifted uncomfortably when they heard the deity's words. Only the duo who had personally fought alongside him in the past noticed that he yet again was referring to a person. This increased their suspicions that there was an external force or entity not only behind the apocalypse but also controlling these monsters. Just how powerful were they to destroy their entire planet in a matter of hours? Fear and anger radiated out of both the God of Love's former subordinates. Was the reason their Team Leader disappeared related to this abnormal existence? Based on the strength of his current team and the new abilities he possessed, he had definitely not left in order to escape combat like a coward would. If anything, he had been fighting in secret on the front line with the one responsible for all this destruction.

"Choi Han. Hannah. Zafar. You three are going to be the vanguard. Sheritt will relay each of my commands and analysis of the monsters to you. Rasheel. Focus on the unranked monsters in the order I tell you to. Eruhaben. Search the buildings surrounding the vicinity of the stampede for survivors and relocate them here for treatment. Beacrox. Protect Mary who will be adding aerial support. Cage. Feel free to curse anyone or anything that gets on your nerves. Ryn and Sya. Have your familiars assist Rasheel and keep the monsters from relocating. Jack. Focus on purifying poisons and treating any serious wounds. Airi, Gumi and Ailana. Pass out potions to anyone who is wounded. Grethe. Protect your sisters. Derin. I need you to go with Eruhaben to stabilize anyone who is in critical condition. Konane. Focus on guarding Doak and no matter what, don't let anyone except myself disturb his slumber."

<I will need Papa to assist me since I will be using a lot of my abilities.>

-Don't even think about using Instant, Dongsaeng.

<Yes, Hyung...>

Awe and bewilderment filled the outsiders as they watched how skillfully the disguised entity of light gave out commands. It was as if he was a commander of an army and not just a retired team leader. Just where had he been living over the last few years? What exactly had he been doing to obtain such experience in the first place?

"Kim Min Ah. I will leave you to instruct your team and any other reinforcements that arrive."

A small nod came from the spear user who stared in amazement at him. Her mouth was agape from shock. To think he had single handedly managed to gather such diverse ability users! Even the kids had manageable tasks. Although she was the most curious about the sleeping boy, the handsome blond man and the two cloaked women. Additionally, there was one person who he had not given any sort of command to. There was no way he did not have a role. Was he a form of support? No. She definitely saw he possessed multiple daggers. So then what sort of position did he have on her former leader's new team? Was he possibly his new second in command?

"Pardon me, Kim Rok Soo-nim. But how are we supposed to take on such a large stampede with just this many people?"

Meeting the archer's gaze, the God of Love casually disclosed the results of his earlier analysis.

"There are currently 211 Grade 3s, 189 Grade 2s, 76 Grade 1s and 10 unranked. My people will prioritize the Grade 1s and unranked first. Then move onto the Grade 2s. We will place the Grade 3s as our last priority unless it looks like someone's life is in immediate danger. Kim Min Ah. Have your people focus on the Grade 3 monsters and avoid all unranked."

Horror flowed out of the outsiders. Most were subconsciously trembling or considering their own self preservation by running to the shelters. Yet not one actually moved from where they stood since they did not want their friends or families to die because of their cowardice. They had already lost too much to these monsters. Far too much for them to sacrifice their loved ones for the miniscule chance that they could live to see an unpromised future.

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