Chapter 222

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By the next day, word had spread throughout the entire Western Continent that the One Who Spoke for the Gods had left the Roan Kingdom's End of the Celebration early. According to the rumors, the reason was because Baron Jotun's granddaughter had insulted and bullied His Holy Eminence's youngest daughter. This news made the entire kingdom extremely anxious. What if the Gods or their temples abandoned them because of it? Emergency meetings were called by the Royal Family, the nobles of the Northeastern region and Marquis Ailan's faction. Everyone was trying to figure out a solution to this very predicament. Including how they should deal with the family responsible for upsetting the youth.

Due to his early departure, numerous people were submitting requests to see the redhead through both the Henituse Household and the Crown prince. Although, each one ended up getting rejected. Was there a reason he didn't want to meet with anyone? Eventually, uninvited visitors started to show up outside the residence gates. Several nobles even tried to force the guards to let them inside, but this only made their situation worse. They all quickly learned that Royal Knights had been assigned to the 18 years old.

Amongst the individuals who wished to meet with the One Who Spoke for the Gods was a certain white haired man. After observing the comings and goings of the staff for five days, the swordmaster figured out a plan that would enable him to see their lord. Dressed as a butler, he waited until the guards' shift changed and stealthily snuck into the building via the entrance to the servant's quarters. Now the only problem was locating the redhead without being seen.

Over an hour passed before the first young master of the Sekka Household found himself in a large beautiful garden. Keeping himself alert, he carefully searched through the bushes. Green irises soon spotted a bunch of birds flying towards the center.

Warily, he followed them before discovering the very person he had been looking for. Yet, he could not bring himself to approach them. Dozens of birds and various small animals had surrounded the youth who was quietly resting on a bench. Unlike the suits or holy attire he had seen him in before, the disguised deity was currently wearing flowing white silk robes. His fiery locks hung loosely over his shoulders. There was a mythical looking crystalline bloom in the palm of his hand. Where did a flower like that even come from?

"Your Excellency."

Swearing internally, the swordmaster made sure he was completely hidden prior to peeking to see who had come outside. To his surprise, it was the Sun God's Saint. Why was he using a different title while they were in private? Curiously, he watched as the holy man performed an exam of the noble's health. A grim expression was on the blond's face.

"We may need to relocate you to the God of Life's temple again. You're still releasing way too much divine energy for normal mortals to go near you."

"I'd rather go back to the underground villa."

His response piqued the Guardian Knight's interest.

"This isn't just my opinion, Your Excellency. Derin and Konane both agree with me."

Setting the blossom down on the seat next to him, the youth inquired.

"Have the staff been falling ill because of me?"

Shaking his head, the representative calmly reported.

"Not at this time. So far only the weather and nature are being affected by your presence, but it's still too dangerous for you to spend time around anyone without a Gods' protection."

"Ha— Just tell me if I'm stable enough to go near my kids now or not."

With an understanding expression on his face, the Saint reassured the God of Love.

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