Chapter 293

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Days later, the envoy's ship arrived at the port of Zephyr City. Since they had arrived a day earlier than originally scheduled thanks to the Whale's assistance, the God of Love's group decided that they would explore the city. A couple of the officials were against this unplanned deviation to their itinerary. However, the majority decided it would be worth it to learn more about the culture on the Eastern Continent. Especially since they intended to make an alliance or business deal with one of the more well known of its local kingdoms. Additionally, it would give them a chance to get to know the One Who Speaks for the Gods who was an enigma amongst the noble circles. Someone who had hid their true selves while putting on a trash like persona to protect and hide his true identity.

When they alighted, they noticed a crowd had gathered in order to get a look at the massive golden turtle ship. None of the peasants had ever seen a magnificent vessel before. When they saw the member's of Roan's envoy, a few of the greedy traders who had been unloading their wares from their own boats rushed over to greet them. Their eyes flitted over each person until they found the one who was dressed in the fanciest clothes. To their disbelief, almost every single adult was wearing extremely high quality garments or jewelry. It wasn't until an extremely beautiful man with long braided red hair appeared and was helped down by a man wearing a sword that they figured out who the highest rank was.

A dark blue jacket hung over his exposed shoulders which peaked out from under the white long sleeved shirt. It had been paired with tan pants and a leather belt which accentuated his slender waist. Numerous pieces of expertly crafted jewelry were visible on his ears, neck, wrists, jacket and fingers. Obviously this person was the owner of such a glorious ship!

"Excuse me, Young-"

Before the words could finish leaving his lips, the man watched as two identical girls with silver ringlets hugged the youth's legs. Were they his sisters?

"Can we go shopping, Papa?"

Shock flickered across the merchants' faces. That beautiful man was old enough to be a father?! Had they heard correctly? There was no possible way someone with a daughter their age was that youthful in appearance. Unless- Was it possible that he wasn't human? If so, was he an elf? No. According to legends, elves were not a materialistic race. Furthermore, he wasn't a member of the Whale tribe since they didn't need to use ships to travel across the ocean. Only one race was said to be more attractive than the rulers of the sea. The mighty Dragon. Except they were known to not socialize with the lesser races. So did he only have half a dragon's blood flowing through his veins? That would explain his amazing looks, immense wealth and the group gathered around him. He had probably lived a very long time by now.

<Ha— We should've just teleported. Our ship draws way too much attention... Although this isn't as bad as the entire Roan Kingdom finding out that I have mages capable of performing a feat that even highest grade human mages can't do... I'd never get to have my slacker life if that got out... Everyone would be pestering me to meet the ones responsible... Eruhaben would return to being a recluse and Rasheel would definitely run away... Let's just get this over with.>

Patting the twins on their heads, the God of Love casually replied with a soft expression.

"Of course."

Happy squeals came from his flock of children who started to search their surroundings for potential stalls which could hold unknown treasures. When they finally located some, the kids split into groups and forcibly dragged an adult with them towards their target. None of those who usually accompanied the deity resisted. This baffled the officials who were not used to such a sight. Their gazes turned to the blond and redhead who were standing next to each other discussing the most suitable route through the city to their accommodations. For some reason, the eldest of the ministers couldn't help thinking they suited each other.

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