Chapter 206

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At the center of a massive garden sat a child with long hair pulled into a semi updo. There were various red and gold flowers adorning their snow white locks. On the ground in front of them was a crystalline spout which they were growing in order to surprise their parent. After a couple hours, it had become a beautiful bloom which shimmered under the suns' midday light. Tiny flecks of rose gold were visible on the tips of its petals. Carefully, the child scooped up the plant by its roots and hurried towards the ivy covered pavilion not far away.

"Amna! Amna! Amna!"

Two adults who had been chatting while enjoying cups of herbal tea gazed toward the child as they excitedly ran towards them. Their reptilian eyes widened when the child held out their dirt covered hand to the black haired one. A bright grin was on the child's face.

"Is that for me?"

Beaming proudly, the child replied.


With a soft smile, the child's parent accepted the newly created blossom.

"Thank you, *****."

They could see the child's silverish greens peering up at the eldest of the trio expectantly. Lifting up the flower into the air, it was surrounded by white divine energy and soon hundreds of this plant were growing throughout the garden and surrounding areas. Immediately, the child flew into their parent's arms and hugged them. Happiness radiated out of their tiny form.

"*****'s skills have improved a lot."

Stroking their child's head, the black haired being replied proudly.

"Of course. They are my child."

Offering the child a fruit tart which they greedily snatched away, the blue haired entity agreed.

"That's true. Not many Divine Dragons lay their egg after ascending to Godhood."

The corners of their lips twitched as their childhood friend wiped the child's with a napkin.

"***** is a special existence since they were born a God."

Rose golds watched while their child ate their sweet treat. Their legs swung in merriment.

"No matter what. I won't let ****** hurt them."

A sorrowful and sympathetic expression flickered across the younger adult's face.

"Good luck, ****. ****** will stop at nothing until ***** falls into despair."

Curiously, the child looked at their parent who was soothing themself by petting their head.

"What wrong, Amna?"

Forcing a smile, the black haired entity reassured their child.

"Don't worry, Sweetie."

As they kissed their child's forehead, the God continued.

"I promise that Amna will always protect you."

Suddenly, the pleasant scene transformed. The flowers became blazing fires while the sky and air filled with suffocating black smoke. Broken stone was all that remained of the once majestic pavilion. Terror filled the child who raced towards their lair. Liquid light stained their tan cheeks while they called out for their parent.


No response came. Unable to sense their guardian, the child rushed into the destroyed cavern.

"Amna! ***** is here!"

Stumbling over the rubble, the frightened child ignored the stinging coming from their burning and torn flesh. They struggled to breathe as they searched the remnants of their home for their precious family. Eventually, their trembling legs gave out from exhaustion and the child fell onto the shattered ground. Multicolored mana and divine energy fluctuated around them as they cried out at the top of their lungs.

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now