Chapter 348

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AN: Thank you all for your kind words the other day. My cat is currently on medication and is finally doing better. Here is the next chapter for you to enjoy!


While lost in thought, the door to the balcony was forcibly slid open with magic prior to four small blurs crashing into his chest. Fresh tears began to soak his already dirty pajamas. Tiny hands clung tightly onto him in an attempt to keep him from disappearing again. Not far behind them were the rest of his unusual family and flock. With many of the younger ones running over and grasping onto his clothes or hugging him out of noticeable desperation. It wasn't until he saw the panicked face of the assassin that the deity realized just how serious his current situation was.

Before he could try to verbally reassure them that he was alright, his father gently grabbed his wrist and guided him back inside the guest room. Once he and his children were safely inside, the door was shut and sealed with magic. To his bewilderment, the trio who had left to create chaos for Arm had also returned. Each one was situated in locations which would best enable them to protect the benevolent God of Love.


Surprise broke through the youth's usually stoic mask when the man who raised him pulled him into a very firm embrace. His brows were furrowed together creating a pained scowl. As if the other was blaming himself for failing to protect him again.

<I'm okay, Papa.>

Cold touched the currently exposed areas of the 19 years old's back. Wounds could be seen by everyone behind him. Especially his brother who was carefully wiping the dirt off it. Dark rage could be seen in the torture experts browns. Several pairs of white gloves covered the hand holding the damp piece of cloth. No one was asking any questions. Instead they just worked to care for and protect the baffled deity.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his eldest immortal was comforting the baby dragons while his third youngest sobbed in the Crown Prince's arms. What exactly had happened after he had been abducted? Wasn't this reaction much worse than it had been with the reincarnator?

After a few minutes, the reluctant holy maiden strolled over and began to heal each of his now exposed injuries. Her eyes lingering on the hand print on the back of his neck. Just how tightly had the bastard been gripping it to leave such a mark?

-That Purple blooded dragon b****! How dare you f***ing hurt my Dongsaeng!! May you never experience the peace of eternal rest you s***ty a**hole!!

<Wow. Cage is furious.>

Seated quietly within the sitting area was the single lifer who kept sliding his sword in and out of its hilt with a murderous glare aimed at the window. Next to him was the younger Choi who was polishing his own blade as if he intended to use it to hunt someone. Even the Black Hawk who was leaning against the wall closest to the balcony radiated extreme bloodthirst.

Once his wounds had all been treated, the noble was guided into the bathroom by his father where a bath had been skillfully prepared for him by his fiance's aunt. A fresh set of pajamas had been set out along with soothing oils. While he soaked in the warm watery embrace, the assassin went to work cleaning his body and overly long hair. Complete silence filled the space between them. As if the other was not intending to pry into his encounter with the Hunter.

Tilting his head back until he met the other's gaze, the 19 years old at last broke the unexpected silence. Concern could be heard hidden within the single word that left his lips.


Red-browns quaked when the only response he got was a tender kiss on the top of his head.

<Why is everyone acting so weird?!!!>

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