Chapter 220

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Twenty minutes into the celebration, the raven haired swordmaster brought his liege a plate of snacks to eat. His dark irises shone happily as the redhead casually selected one of the sweets and ate it. An innocent smile was on his face while he watched the deity. However, a sharp pair of dyed blues were observing him warily. Their owner felt an odd sense of discomfort whenever he saw how they interacted with one another. The fact that the youth had known the single lifer longer and that he had been close to one of his relatives only made it worse. It didn't matter if he was his fiancé's loyal dog. Clearly, the swordsman had feelings for the God of Love.


A red-brown gaze focused on the prince.

"Do you mind if I borrow Choi Han for a bit? There's something I want to discuss with him."

<Is he planning to ask him to become the Commander of the Roan's army? Well, he is a swordmaster. Such responsibilities are normal for one of his talents.>

Snatching another tart from the plate in the human's hand, the noble replied.

"Go ahead."

<Thankfully, I won't have to worry about those things. Choi Han is the most suited to combat related roles. Besides, there's no way anyone in their right mind would want trash like myself to lead an army. Once Paerun's attacks are stopped, I'll leave all of the combat to the others.>

Once the Future King had disappeared from their line of sight, a group of noblewomen swiftly surrounded the 18 years old. Placing a gloved hand gently on the handsome man's arm, the eldest daughter of the Orsena Household purred.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Your Holy Eminence~"

Peering down at the unwelcome touching, the deity stoically inquired.

"Is there something I can help you with, Young Lady Karin?"

Her ruby lips curled up in response to his question.

"I was wondering if you could tell me the name of His Highness' fiancée~"

<Ha— Of course. That's what she would want to know about. After all, her father does lead the Central Faction. Knowing their identity would enable her to increase her family's influence by establishing a relationship with them. It's pretty much guaranteed that Alberu will inherit the throne at this point. Only an idiot would try to challenge someone who has the favor of a God.>

His face remained expressionless while he firmly stated.

"Unfortunately, that is something only the parties involved have the right to announce. Unless Hyung's partner wants their name to be made known, I will not expose their identity to anyone."

This response made the women fan themselves more.

"A man with morals. How wonderful~"

<Are they f***ing insane?>

Two of the ladies exchanged a glance before the one in the pale yellow dress queried.

"By the way, Your Holy Eminence. Are the rumors regarding you and Young Lady Amiru true?"


Realizing his brother was unaware of the gossip, the torture expert telepathically informed him.

-Ever since the Northeastern Noble's meeting, people have been saying you both are dating.

<Seriously? Why the f*** would anyone think that?>

Meeting the sandy blonde's gaze, the redhead calmly explained.

"Young Lady Amiru and I are simply friends. There is nothing more to our relationship than that."

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