Chapter 386

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Eerie fog filled the surroundings outside the walls of Western City. Yet, the blue sky above was clear. Not a cloud to be seen. Allowing the warm sun to shine down onto the anxious citizens of the Henituse territory. Many of whom were rushing to collect their families' allotted supplies that were being handed out by their lord. As soon as the declaration had been made, the Count had ordered that all the warehouses be opened. Every single household was provided with food and farming supplies. The latter with the intention for them to be able to farm in the spring. Meaning their lord believed that the war would end before then. At first, many of the residents and even the tourists hidden within the city had their doubts. Yet the moment the One Who Speaks for the Gods arrived, all their previous fright vanished. His blood red hair now provided solace for those who once had hated and feared him.

Within an hour of their current and future Suns' reply to the declaration of war, the firstborn of the Henituse Household had returned to the territory. Bringing with him dozens of people. Some of whom bore various holy crests. Meaning he had brought the support of the Gods' with him to fight the war. There was no way they could lose if the Gods were on their side!

Quickly, those accompanying the God of Love moved to their posts. Total awe and silence filled the city when they saw the redhead stroll to the center of the wall facing North. Most watched with bated breath as the holy-looking shield skillfully covered the entire city. Protecting them all before the enemy was even within sight. Soon chatter regarding the reason for his actions had spread throughout the entire city. Although the general consensus was that he did not want to see any of the people within his territory get hurt.

Upon hearing that the 20 years old had returned to his home, hundreds of people from both the surrounding villages and neighboring territories hastily gathered. Each one being welcomed by the knights without prejudice. As was according to the teachings of the God of Love. In fact, the entire city was filled with homemade altars dedicated to the Supreme Ruler of Love, Happiness and Sacrifice. There were only a few created for the Sun God and God of Death. Proving that a shift had begun regarding the dominant faith within the Roan Kingdom. A ripple of change which was rapidly spreading out across their entire world.

Only a select few within the city's walls knew that the very target of these believers' admiration, worship and prayers was resting within a private room. Maintaining the very barrier protecting them all. Fully prepared to fight for them even if it meant he'd suffer. Each one wishing they could shout praises about their precious God of Love from the mountains' peaks. They wanted everyone to know just how merciful and kind hearted their first young master truly was. Sadly, this very existence did not want the world to know about his presence. Yet. Once he gave them permission to do so, they intended to let every single nation and soul know about his majesty.

By the third morning following the day of declaration, the entirety of the Roan Kingdom began to worry for the 20 years old commander. Dozens of magic communication and recording devices had secretly been set up within Western City. Each one broadcasting to various places within their kingdom and their allied nations. Allowing those outside the city, to see exactly what was happening within the city's walls. Thanks to these devices, numerous people were able to see that the silver shield never lost its light. Not once for those three days. Meaning the firstborn of the Count had not slept at all for that duration of time. All so he could maintain it. To protect the very people who once treated him much worse than trash. Which resulted in tens of calls from the youth's concerned allies. Which were swiftly handled by his also worried younger brother.

With a weary sigh, the brown haired teen ended the call from the Gyerre territory. His fingers pinched the arch of his nose as he contemplated how to handle his situation. Over fifty-three calls within two hours of the sun rising. His head throbbed while he jotted down a summary of the Duchess' message to his stubborn and self-sacrificial hyung.

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