Chapter 242

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AN: Sorry for a late update! I'll try to post the next chapter soon. Please enjoy!


A massive chamber with gold walls, pillars and floor glistened under the flickering light of the fire burning from a series of magnificent trenches. Their golden flames reached all the way up to the arched metallic ceilings. Each forming a fiery wall. Amongst the abundance of gold stood a being of multicolored light who was admiring the vast amount of gold. Although they couldn't help notice the lack of furnishings and décor.

<This must be Sulien-hyung's domain. It's simpler in design than I expected.>

"That's only because Aylin warned me you were similar to her."

Swiftly, the youth located a man with bright red hair which was pulled back in a long ponytail.

<How so?>

"She says you have a tendency to loot or create chaos for people who annoy you."

Strolling over to the God of Love, the older of the duo announced with a slightly tilted smile.

"Let's just say I didn't feel like getting robbed by my newest Dongsaeng after everything my troublesome followers said earlier."

<You still f***ing owe me for dealing with that nonsense!>

Chuckling at the other's stubborn remark, the God of Purification reassured the 19 years old.

"Don't worry~ I'll make sure you are compensated appropriately."

Chills raced down the ancient redhead's back when he saw a mischievous smirk appear on the being of light's face. Their energy fluctuated as they coldly spoke in warning.

"If you don't then I'll just take it from your temples."

Recalling what the rest of the Gods had told him regarding this entity in front of him, the older deity sighed and motioned for his dongsaeng to follow.

"Come with me. There's something we need to discuss while you're here."

After a brief walk they arrived outside of a massive pair of golden doors with lightning bolts carved into them. Pausing momentarily to peek at the youth, the owner of the domain opened them to reveal a hall filled with statues of dragons and people who the God of Love did not immediately recognize. It wasn't until they were about to pass one of a young woman wielding a dagger and surrounded by wind that he stopped in place.

<Is that Aylin?>

"Correct. Back when she was known as the Ghost, Moonlight Assassin, Silver Thief and Spirit of the Wind. Although most of us just referred to her as the Thief."

Gazing up at the figure nostalgically, the God of Purification added.

"Although I guess Crybaby did call her Noona."

No response came from the being of light who was staring at the ancient redhead in shock.

<Did all the former owners of my ancient powers become Gods?!>

A sorrowful expression was on the older of the duo's face when he disclosed.

"Unfortunately, Glutton chose to maintain their mortality and reincarnated. Of course Ruslan has made sure to keep an eye on her. However, I have a feeling that's just because he wants to complain to her about all the work he's being forced to do."

<Wait- Are you f***ing kidding me?! Cage is the reincarnation of the Glutton?!>

Without confirming the 19 years old's suspicions, the God of Purification headed to the end of the chamber where a platform was awaiting them. Once they were both on it, the pair was transported to their final destination which appeared to be an archive. Tables and walls were filled with various maps. There were hundreds of shelves which contained numerous files on each of the worlds the God of Purification resided over.

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