Chapter 367

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AN: Warning! Holy Water may be needed for a part of this chapter. However, there is no smut. I hope you still enjoy it. Those who wish to skip the steamy scene simply need to go from the second to the third line of stars.  Please feel free to ask questions, theorize or give feedback.


Lively music filled the hall while people swirled gracefully across the dance floor. Hand in hand with their partners, escorts or allies. To the side stood officials from various kingdoms and their limited escorts. Many were discussing politics, business and even gossip. Amongst them was a handsome blond dressed in his formal Royal uniform. Over a dozen women dressed in exquisite gowns flanked his sides. Veering for his attention. Even going as far as to touch or cling onto his arm with their gloved hands. Their vulture-like eyes peered endearingly at him over their fabric fans. Piercing red-browns glared down at the scheming foxes from the second level. Anger and jealousy burned within their molten depths.

Suddenly, the deity's surroundings changed and he found himself standing within a vast field of lavender blooms. Delighted giggles came from a little child. White silk lace fluttered around her as she ran towards him with a bouquet of pink plumeria. A delicate rose gold tiara inlaid with pink tourmaline sat amongst her shoulder length crimson waves. Her plump caramel cheeks were much more noticeable when she smiled. Above them, diamond-like sky blue reptilians sparkled as they gazed up at him in happiness and love. Tiny fingers clinging onto his robes.


Just as he reached down to pick her up, a searing heat surged through his entire body. Causing the God of Love to wake up. Steam escaping his lips with every breath. Feverish haze covered his gaze which gradually searched his surroundings. Files filled with papers were resting on the bedside table next to him. Four tiny children were sprawled out to his left. Slumbering peacefully while they dream of sweets, magic explosions and flowers. Movement came from his right prior to the very man from his dream shifting into view. Concern visible in his gemlike blues.

"Are you alright, Cale?"

When no response came from the panting noble, the prince scooted closer and gently brushed some stray red strands out of his fiance's face.

"Ron and Beacrox went to have a chat with Her Majesty, the Queen of Molden. Mila-nim is with the rest of the kids. Eruhaben-nim went for a walk with Jayu and Sheritt-nim. While Alaric had to go handle Hunter business. Rasheel-"


Surprise was visible on the mixed blood's face when the God of Love reached up and kissed him on the lips. Pulling him down with his arms while intertwining their tongues. Immediately, panic flashed through the other's eyes as he struggled to pull away from his clearly ill partner.

"Cale- Mnngff- We can't-"

Out of the corner of his eye, the dark elf saw a multicolored magic barrier materialize around the sleeping children. It took him a few attempts, but finally he managed to escape his partner and hastily created some distance between the two of them. Out of breath. His lips were swollen and a little burned because of the temperature of the other's flesh. Although the divine item the deity had put on his finger had negated most of the effects of his future husband's chaotic energy.

"Listen, Cale. You aren't well. Please just rest and-"

Immediately, the 19 years old rolled over and started to crawl towards him.

"...holy s***..."

Covering his mouth with one hand, the blond averts his gaze in search of something which could help him maintain his last remaining strand of sanity. No matter how tempted he was, he must not lose control of himself. Subconsciously, he flinched and stiffened up as the youth's palm slowly crept its way up his leg. Before he could do anything to stop him, his fiance was on top of him. Straddling him. Attempting to unbutton his pajama shirt with one hand while his other found its way up into his hair. Their lips met again.

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