Chapter 345

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AN: For those wondering why I haven't updated lately, I have had a lot going on regarding my mental health and my cat's physical health. He has been having health issues which resulted in him being in and out of the vet several times already, so I have had to prioritize his care and recovery over the last couple weeks. I promise that I will be updating all my fanfics in due time! If there is one you want prioritized, please let me know in the comments or in a pm.  I will try to update the one with the most demand next. As usual, I hope you all enjoy my work! 


The entire island quaked as beautiful white and rose gold vines rapidly grew out of the perimeter of the largest courtyard within the God of Life's temple. Brilliant light leaked out from within their embrace. With a rumble, they dispersed and the awaiting prostrated clergy could finally see movement come from the undisguised form of their liege's precious child. It took him a couple minutes before the deity regained complete control over his limbs and managed to sit up. Sharp reptilians quickly assessed their surroundings. Trembling momentarily when they saw how their parent's followers were positioned. Upon seeing he was looking at them, the mortals shouted.

"Welcome back, Your Excellency!! Congratulations on the successful completion of your second and third growth phases!!"

<Ha— So noisy...>

Gingerly, the youth got to his feet before examining the vast and incredibly gorgeous garden around him. Unlike in the past, his unconscious body had been placed outside instead of the innermost sanctuary or his personal bedroom. Was there a specific reason for this?

<Come to think of it. This island adjusts itself as I mature. Is my bedroom even in the same place anymore? I wonder what it would look like now.>

A gentle breeze blew through his still crystalline locks while he was lost in thought. Creating an ethereal scene for the humans devotees. More than half fainted while the rest were far too enchanted to notice the second most terrifying existence at the temple approaching. When the frightening red gaze saw the clergy were gaping at their liege's child, he became enraged and ice started to form on the ground around him. Causing the air to become startlingly frigid.


"Y-Your H-H-Holiness!"

Glaring murderously at the disrespectful mortals, the Elemental King sternly commanded.

"Return to your posts. Immediately."

As soon as the words left his lips, the conscious humans dragged their fellow devotees out of the innermost courtyard. Not a single one of them dared to look back at the most majestic entity currently residing on their planet. Doing so would certainly result in their instant death. Once they were alone, the Saint handed his liege's child a small birch box which had been decorated with ornate carvings of vines and flowers. On its top was the familiar rose gold crest of the God of Life who had sent the box.

Undisguised reptilians sparkled in excitement while their owner swiftly opened his gift. Inside was a spectacular flower which radiated insane levels of divine energy. Alongside it was a tiny vial of a similar liquid he had drunk in the other world. Next to them was a handwritten note.

"To My Precious and Irreplaceable Love,

I am delighted that you have successfully completed your third growth phase. Although I am quite concerned due to the upcoming future of that world. For now, please consume a petal from that bloom a day in order to help your physical body properly adjust to your sudden increase in divine energy. Additionally, keep that vial with you at all times. It will help stabilize your energy if it ever becomes unstable again in the future. Get lots of rest and I shall send the rest of your gifts directly to the underground palace. Please stay safe."

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