Chapter 317

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By the time the God of Love's group had returned to the temple in Clarity City, numerous rumors were rapidly causing both the Eastern and Western Continents to fall into chaos. Amongst those within the Roan Kingdom, one of the most popular was about the little girl who had been seen visiting their current Sun. She looked like a younger version of the Crown Prince's mother. Could she have been the newly reincarnated Flower? Unfortunately, those who saw her had been unable to approach her. They were too scared of the beige haired woman accompanying her.

Early the next morning, the envoy swiftly departed from the holy city with the intention to reach the border of the Dregdyn Kingdom by nightfall. Breaks would only be taken when necessary or if requested by one of the deity's kids. Although most of the young flock were half or fully asleep when the delegation had boarded their vehicles.

As usual, things didn't go exactly as planned. Approximately four hours after their departure, they encountered a carriage which was completely surrounded by armed bandits. One of three swordsmen who were probably their guards was resting on the ground holding his bleeding stomach. Both of his companions were struggling against a large muscular warrior whose scarred arms swung a large ax effortlessly.

Without even needing to be told what to do, the Choi relatives charged towards the criminals and disabled those they encountered with accurate non-lethal attacks. On their heels were the blonde swordmaster, the God of War's Saint and the youngest of the adult dragons. Bones cracked while blood splattered all over the ground. Dozens of gazes watched the one sided attack in amazement or bewilderment. Especially those hiding inside the unmarked carriage.

Upon seeing that his sister had cleared a path to the injured man, the older of the Sun God's twins rushed over to heal him. Wide grays shook when their owner recognized the man whose golden divine energy was treating his wound. They then focused on the line of carriages which he had come from. His mind was a chaotic mess. Even more so when he saw how easily these strangers took care of the bandits. Just who exactly were they?

In a matter of minutes all of the criminals were unconscious or debilitated. Now that the coast was clear, the occupants hiding inside the lone vehicle warily climbed out of its shelter and into view of their rescuers. Not one spoke while the knights restrained their attackers. Only one set of elderly eyes was fixated on the very first of their rescuers' carriages. He had immediately recognized it when he saw them rapidly approaching. Currently, his heart was racing as if it would jump out of his chest in excitement. Who would have thought he'd encounter the Keepers of History this soon? Licking his dry lips, the elderly man carefully maneuvered through the mess of battle and approached where he knew the redhead would be.

<Ha— You've got to be kidding me...>

Before the headmaster could reach his target, the Minister of Foreign Affairs hastily alighted his vehicle and rushed over to him. There was no way he would let this man aggravate the precious God of Love. At the same time, the Black Hawk stepped in front of the carriage's door with his hand on his unsheathed sword's hilt. A sharp red gaze assessing whether or not the human could possibly become a threat to his precious dongsaeng's rest.

"Are you alright, Headmaster Niall?"

"Ah- Minister Luit. It is a pleasure to meet you again."

Shaking the other's outstretched hand, the scholar explained with an innocent smile.

"I wish to thank His Highness and Their Holy Eminence for interceding on our behalf and saving us from the unexpected assault."

Nervously, the official glanced over his shoulder and confirmed his suspicions. Hidden mostly by the curtain was a piercing pair of red-browns. They were being watched by the most dangerous existence currently amongst their group. Swallowing the growing lump in his throat, the minister forced a smile and quickly explained for their potential ally.

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