Chapter 328

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Around sunset that same day, the majority of the occupants of the main palace had started to get settled within the hall. Various furniture and snacks had been relocated there for the nobles, officials and the Queen's esteemed guests. Due to the Purist Faction's obnoxious protest earlier that evening, they had been separated and situated at the very back section area. As far away from the One Who Speaks for the Gods as was physically possible while still enabling them to be monitored and protected by the knights. Out of respect for the unconscious youth, makeshift walls were created around the section where his family had gathered. Clear instructions stating no one was to enter it without receiving prior permission to do so were given by their Ruler.

Hidden from the crowd's view were the children who were resting or trying to unsuccessfully distract themselves from the day's stressful events. Multiple beds and cots had been set up for them to use. Although many refused to sleep until their sister had been found. Not even the baby dragons or red kitten had much of an appetite. Instead they picked at their meals and eventually curled up on the bed next to the barrier guardian their father. Out of the adults from the deity's group, only the ancient dragons were currently watching over the children. Each one had their preferred weapon of choice directly next to them or on their laps. They refused to let any humans aside from their family enter through the curtain door. Directly outside the single entrance to their space were at least two of the swordmasters or immortals at all times.

Currently, the Crown Prince was seated on the partially broken balcony with the Prime Minister and his future father-in-law. They were waiting for the Queen to return from tucking her daughter into the bed they'd share that night. Protective barriers had been erected around it as well by the knights and there were at least six voluntarily standing guard there. No matter what, they would protect their Sun and her only Star.

With a tired expression, the woman known as the Lioness of Roija rejoined the trio. She was wearing a fresh gown that one of her ladies in waiting had brought her. Unlike the earlier one, it was a pale orange covered in layers of exquisite lace. Her long lilac hair had been braided into a loose yet elegant braid. Anyone who saw her now would refuse to believe she had nearly died mere hours ago. Only the presence of the Moon God's Saint behind her served as a painful reminder to the citizens that their Sun's light had almost been stolen from them.

Upon reclaiming her seat a steaming cup of herbal tea was handed to her by a trusted aid. After having the holy man confirm the lack of toxins, the Royal took a sip and solemnly asked.

"Has anyone come up with an idea on how to contact people outside of the barrier?"

Dyed sky blues met dark browns. Neither knew how much knowledge the God of Love would want them to reveal to her or the rest of their allies. Especially since he kept insisting he wanted to live a quiet life in the future. Before either of them could say anything, the armor-clad Captain of the Knights stepped forward and knelt on one knee while explaining.

"At this moment in time, we have confirmed His Highness, the Crown Prince's statement that all forms of mana or aura are incapable of use. Using this knowledge, Headmaster Niall went with a few scholars and an escort to investigate the barrier which is restricting us. According to their observations, nothing can enter or exit. Even attempting to approach it will result in the person getting attacked and nearly killed by the essence of the structure."

"Despair. That barrier outside is made up of despair. Just like the ball of fire that was launched at the members of my delegation earlier."

Those present could hear the hidden ice in the mixed blood's voice. He was definitely upset by the fake Saint's actions. Although none of them could really blame him. Such an attack could easily be interpreted as a declaration of war. Had the God's Chosen One not stopped it, there was no doubt in their minds that Roan's Future King would've retaliated in some way. Especially since he had powerful dragon-nims on his side. Casting a quick apologetic smile at the prince, the highest grade sword expert continued to report.

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