Chapter 357

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Once they were both fully clothed, the deity left a note containing instructions for his subordinate and strolled over to the painting. His dyed amethyst gaze carefully examined its ornate frame which had been crafted according to the lore of the Moon that the dark elves native to the East believed in. At the very center of it was a delicately crafted full moon. It was slightly depressed at the center which was only noticeable through touch. When he set a blue mana crystal against it, a bright light drew both their attention over to the wall underneath the staircase. On it was a glowing magic circle which would form a portal once the coordinates were verbalized.

Selecting two expensive looking masks from his spatial pouch, the God of Love handed the silver one with sapphire jewels to the now ultramarine blue haired prince. Piercing rubies stared down at it while their owner tried to figure out what exactly his future husband was plotting. Then they peeked over at the youth who had pulled his extremely long silky hair into a high braided ponytail. On his face was a similar silver mask. Although his was decorated by obsidian decals.

<Now that my identity as Amias was exposed, I will need to use the other alias I had prepared.>

"Until we rejoin the others address me as Kim Rok Soo whenever we're in public."

A slight nod revealed his partner understood his request.

"I'll be Bob then."

<Bob?! Seriously?! What's with Alberu and Choi Han's sense of naming?>


Their eyes met when the youth refused the prince's chosen nickname. Confusion could be seen in the beautiful red depths hidden behind his mask.

"Using the name Bob is too obvious. Where we're going is filled with corruption and scheming trash. In order to avoid suspicion, use the name Kim Haneul-Ui."

"Aren't you also calling yourself Kim?"

Stoically, the deity strolled over to the perplexed Royal and took his hand.

"Kim is the surname."


Pupils quaked when the light from the ceiling lamp glinted off a rose gold ring with a dragon carved into it. Held protectively between its claws was a crystalline gemstone which sparkled thousands of different hues. More exquisite than any diamond he'd ever seen. Familiar divine energy radiated out of the tiny metallic form. Neither spoke as the 19 years old slid it onto the Future King's ring finger. Their ears, a noticeable dark pink.

"Viscount Otmar of the Purist Faction is hosting a masquerade ball today."

Patiently, the older of the duo waited for his fiance to continue.

"According to the information I have obtained, only those connected to or allied with their faction will be in attendance. Nobles. Wealthy Merchants. Even those fraudulent Priests."

Disguised reptilians watched as the prince gently caressed the divine item he had created for his future husband. One which could not be removed by anyone except a God. The gemstone was now as black as the night sky. Death and darkness radiated out of it. Intrigue could be seen within the dark elf's dyed ruby irises. Was this divine item similar to the sacred bloom his fiance had grown on Sha-Orlen? Could such a delicate piece of jewelry absorb and store dead mana?

"I, as the owner of the Kipling Merchant Group, also received one. Although the reasoning behind it was because the previous owner was corrupt and participated in slave trafficking."

Realization appeared on the dark elf's handsome face. A sharpness could be seen within the ruby irises which stabbed into the noble.

"Are those bastards intending to perform such despicable atrocities during the ball?"

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