Chapter 304

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Total silence filled the prince's bedroom as the baffled trio stared at each other. Each thought they were somehow inside a dream. Yet at the same time it was too real to be one. Trembling blacks stared at the little half blood from her memories. How could her deceased little sister be here when she had personally seen her adult corpse. None of this made any sense. Suddenly, a knock came from the door which drew their attention to it. Before the child could stop her, the eldest of the mortals pulled the blankets over the confused girl's head. Then she hurried over to the entrance of the room to see who could be trying to meet with her nephew at this late hour.

"Y-Your Holiness?"

To her surprise, the person awaiting her was the Moon God's eldest representative. Although for some reason he looked utterly exhausted. Had something happened that disrupted his sleep and caused him to come here? When their eyes met, she instinctively opened the door to let him inside the guest room. After all, she knew he could be trusted since he served a God allied with her nephew's future husband. As soon as the door had been closed the Saint focused on the bed where the fake blond was still seated. It wasn't until movement came from underneath the blanket and he saw a curious head of a child peek out that the holy man sighed.

"You gotta be f***ing kidding me?!"

Grasping at his aching head, the silver eyed man exclaimed in obvious exasperation. What was His Excellency thinking? Not only had he created chaos within the temples simply by revealing his divine form, but he just had to ask for something which should be impossible from Lady as retribution! Reviving the dead was supposed to be impossible! It hadn't even been that long since he had somehow brought the Former Dragon Lord back to life! Now he was displacing souls from the worlds they had reincarnated to?! How was this a fair punishment for the silly prank his lady had played on him?

After a few minutes of what seemed to be the human processing the situation, the man finally pulled out a box which he set down on the bedside table. Upon infusing his divine energy into it, the silver container opened to reveal ornate divine items. These too had apparently been a part of the repayment that had been demanded of his lady. At least, from what she had told him.

"My Lady instructed me to bring these to you as soon as possible. These three divine items will help hide your identities while enabling you to use dead mana."

Each of the dark elves eagerly examined the gorgeous gifts with great intrigue. First was a necklace which had dozens of tiny diamonds which surrounded a moon shaped sapphire inlaid into delicate silver. It looked like the night sky had transformed into a piece of jewelry. Next to it was a silver and onyx bracelet that had tiny sapphires set in the shape of a crescent moon. This piece in particular caught the interest of the fake blond's aunt. She would be able to fight and use her wind while wearing it. Eventually, the trio focused on what appeared to be a simple sapphire earring. However, the presence of darkness and death was quite strong within its tiny form. Unable to contain his growing curiosity, the Future King picked it up and lifted it up towards the window. When the moonlight touched it, the jewel instantly changed color from its deep blue to a bright pink. The form of a moonflower could be seen inside its crystalline form.

"A Moonflower represents the beauty that comes out during the darkness. It stands for dreaming of love and calls out to anyone who is feeling low. According to lore, its presence encourages those who see to bloom even in the most trying and darkest of nights. At least that's what I was told to relay to you. If you have questions, please ask His Excellency about them as each was designed according to his specifications."

Dyed sky blues met weary silvers.

"Now if you'll f***ing excuse me, I'm going back to sleep."

No one spoke while the holy man trudged out of the guestroom. Instead, they claimed one of the pieces of jewelry and tested to see how they worked. A gasp of amazement slipped out from between the little girl's smiling lips. Her almost black hair had become a pristine white. Even her eyes had become a shimmery ruby red. This was beyond the limits of magic. Divine items were truly on a different level compared to the magic devices she had used in the past. Taking off his precious necklace, the prince stabbed the earring into his left ear. They saw him wince ever so slightly as it pricked his flesh. Silver divine energy immediately flowed out of its tiny form and enveloped his body. Dark chocolate irises became his normal sky blues. Even his hair took on the signature blond that the Crossman family was known for. Awe radiated out of him. To think such a small item could achieve the same thing as his most cherished possession. Furthermore, this was a gift that his fiance had personally requested from another God.

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