Chapter 245

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Weeks went by very quickly. During this time, the population of their encampment continued to increase. Numerous elves, dark elves who wished to see nature restored, and refugees were gradually being led by nature itself to where the God of Love was resting. Elementals, animals, and even some plants guided them through the vast forest which had formed in the cleansed land. In fact, if someone these entities deemed dangerous approached the woods, they went out of their way to keep them from discovering the slumbering deity's identity or location.

A month had soon passed and the youth was still unconscious. At the very center of the camp surged a wave of mana. Light dispersed to reveal the patriarch of the Molan Household dressed from head to toe in black. In his arms were two books. First was the guide from the God of Death which he had been using while absorbing the dead mana into the silver brooch. On top of it was the divine item of communication which he had been using in order to communicate with the other Gods on behalf of his youngest.

Many of the mortals respectfully greeted him when they saw him. Even the children who found him slightly intimidating at times often peeked out to watch as he strolled by their tents. After all, he was the one in charge of the Protectors. Plus he was someone that the Pope herself lowered her head to. His identity was one of the biggest mysteries of the residents of the encampment.

As the brunet was walking towards where his grandchildren were playing, the divine item of communication started to glow. Its pages then flipped open to where words were appearing.

Moon God: They're coming~

Instantly, the immortal stopped walking and peered back at where he had just been. His eyes widened in surprise and amazement when the ground started to quake. Soon large rose gold vines with shimmering leaves shot right up towards the sky. They twisted together to form a magnificent dome. White divine energy flowed out from inside it prior to the entire enclosure disintegrating into tiny flower petals. All of the residents of Sha-Orlen had either collapsed to the ground or were trembling in shock from the sight. Their minds were completely chaotic since a large group of unfamiliar people were now standing where the vines had once been.

God of Death: Cage's group will be arriving shortly.

Nodding in understanding, the assassin shut the book and approached the rest of his family.


While most of the adults were examining their surroundings, the entire young flock happily ran over and took turns hugging their grandfather. Dozens of eyes sparkled in excitement since this was their first time traveling to a new world. Would their guardian take them to visit more in the future? It took them a minute to spot their dongsaengs who were speedily flying towards them.

"Noonas! Hyungs!"

Four tiny blurs launched themselves into the silver kitten, dark elves and White Wolf. Dark blues met golds briefly while the 11 years old carefully confirmed her siblings were uninjured. It had been weeks since they had last seen them. Thankfully, they weren't wounded and didn't appear to have lost weight. Exchanging quick glances with her older brothers, she curiously asked.

"Where's Papa?"

Immediately, the smiles on the youngest four vanished. Everyone turned to the immortal for answers, but a wave of chilling divine energy drew their attention to a newly materialized circle filled with unfamiliar runes. Black light rose out of it before dispersing to reveal eleven more people dressed in long black robes. One hastily removed her hood and demanded.

"Where's Ca- Amias?"

Confusion rapidly transformed into unease. Did something happen to their father? Before the assassin could reply, an exhausted voice spoke up from not far away.

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