Chapter 301

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As the deity was coming up with a plan for how to deal with the drama, the door to his guest room quietly opened. In slipped the requested three immortals who were carrying four stubborn children who had refused to be left with the Crown Prince. In order to stop their sulking, their grandfather eventually agreed to bring the baby dragons and toddler to his youngest. However, before he could take another step, the kids eagerly flew over to the bed and tackled the redhead in his chest. Their tiny hands clung to his clothes in slight fear and relief. After all, he had only been conscious for a few hours. What if he got attacked again without them even knowing?

"I'm alright, Raon. Please don't cry, Kasul. Noe. Aera. I can't breathe if you squeeze that tightly."

With puffed up cheeks and teary eyes, his four youngest children reluctantly released their guardian who carefully sat up. His back was quickly propped up with pillows by the assassin prior to the noble signaling for everyone to sit. Right before he could speak, a piece of apple pie appeared in front of his mouth. Disguised reptilians glanced at the eldest of his four children who had scooted as close as possible to his side. The boy's hand clung to the cloak he was wearing as if to keep him from going anywhere without him. Instinctively, the 19 years old pet the little dragon's head in order to soothe the other's chaotic emotions.

<Looks like witnessing me get attacked has added to his trauma...>

Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes while they waited for the God of Love to speak. When he didn't, the eldest present realized why and cast soundproof magic on the room. Her actions caused the babies to look at her in curiosity. Were they about to discuss something that they didn't want the others knowing about?

"I plan to reveal myself to the mortals tonight."

Four sets of wide eyes stared up at him in shock and concern.

"No, Papa! Those bad humans will try to hurt you!"

Tucking some stray raven strands behind his son's ear, the youth explained.

"I'll need everyone's help to prevent that from happening."

Sapphires, emeralds, violets and almost whites sparkled in excitement. Could they really be of assistance to their father's plan? Each of the adults waited patiently for him to expand.

"Once I relay a 'divine' message to everyone, I will return here in order to rest and recover. At that time, I will sneak out with Raon's help and we will meet Sheritt in the nearby forest."

<Since I'll be revealing my Divine Dragon form, having other dragons with me would definitely add to the atmosphere of the scene. Unfortunately, Kasul looks too much like a human for his presence to do anything except expose me. Even if we change it with magic. Should I leave him with Mila or Eruhaben for a bit?>

Suddenly, his crests started to tingle as the voice of his divine parent flowed into his mind.

-Open up the book I gave you on races of the Forest of Dreams.

Uncertain about the reason behind the God of Life's request, the deity located the specified item from inside his spatial pouch and set it on the bed in front of him. All attention instantly moved to it as he started to flip through the massive book.

-Turn to the section on the Ensynthai Race.

Following the ancient entity's instructions, the 19 years old swiftly turned to the particular section and scanned the contents of its page. Red-browns shook as they read the elegant text.

"Ensynthai. A race which becomes immortal upon reaching adulthood due to the awakening of their dormant divine powers. Each one is born with the ability to sense and even manipulate the emotions of those around them. Additionally, they will inherit traits or powers unique to their individual tribe. Of those abilities, the most common are telepathic communication, mana manipulation, or having a strong affinity with animals. Upon receiving a blessing from a God, they will grow wings. Even if their powers have not yet fully awakened. Constant exposure to a God's divine energy can result in a premature awakening as well as strengthened powers."

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