Chapter 309

341 28 15

An entity of light stood amidst a massive plane of light grayish brown which stretched as far as they could see or expand their divine presence. Taking a step forward, the deity's foot sunk into the granular substance similar in appearance to sand. For some reason, an overwhelming and nauseating presence of death radiated out of everywhere around them. Yet there was not even the slightest trace of despair or sacrifice. Kneeling down, the God of Love decided to take a closer look at the strange substance.

<Could this be a new type of sand from a different world?>

"It's not sand."

Caught completely off guard, the immature deity jumped in fright and turned to face the source of the somewhat familiar voice. Multicolored light fluctuated when the being of light discovered it had come from a sturdy looking man. Strapped to his back was a large shield which for some reason reminded him of his wood ancient power. Dark brown hair fell loosely over sun kissed muscles. His white tank top looked like it would be torn apart when he nervously combed his fingers through chestnut locks. A simple, yet expertly crafted pair of black pants clung onto this very chiseled man. It was as if the marble sculpture he had seen in the God of Purification's domain had come to life directly in front of him.

<F***!!! Why is he so f***ing handsome?!!!>

With an awkward smile on his neatly shaved face, the older of the duo greeted the youngest of all the deities in existence.

"We met briefly in Salm's garden, but I never got to properly introduce myself. My name is Eben and I am the current God of Protection. It's nice to meet you, Dongsaeng."

Returning the greeting with a slight nod, the entity of light looked back at their surroundings.

<Is this his domain?>


Their eyes met briefly before the ancient hero explained.

"This is one of Kairos' subdomains. I was sent to help protect you while he and the others work."

<Protect me?>

Processing this news, the God of Love peered down at the substance underneath their feet.

"If this isn't sand, what is it?"

His question caused a mournful expression to form on the older man's handsome face.


<What the f***?! Why would Kairos own a subdomain filled with ash?!>

Understanding the youngest confusion, the God of Protection also turned his attention to the vast plane around them. Sorrow radiated out of him as he spoke.

"According to what I've been told, this place is the world where Moira and Kairos lived as mortals before ascending to Godhood."

Surprised by this revelation, the younger of the pair pivoted around and stared at the former owner of his earth ancient power.

"A long time ago, this was a prosperous planet thriving with life. However, an extremely cruel bastard destroyed it along with multiple others in order to lure the Supreme God out of their hiding spot and back to the ethereal realm."


Chaotic emotions caused the multicolored radiance to fluctuate uncontrollably.

"T-This world. It was destroyed by the God of Despair- On the day he ended my f-first life."

To his horror, the brunet nodded in confirmation before disclosing.

"Only the Red Blood Family managed to escape thanks to Kairos' favor and blessing."

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