Chapter 312

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Around noon the next day, the God of Love started to rouse from his slumber. Groggy eyes reluctantly opened to see a flashing communication device resting on the side table next to the bed. As the corners of his lips attempted to curl down into a small frown, the youth reached out to check who had tried to call him. To his disbelief, there were almost a dozen missed calls from the King of the Roan Kingdom. That didn't even include the messages from his allies, the Caro Kingdom and a missed call from the Emperor of the Mogoru Empire. Irritated with his current situation, the noble decided to make some chaos throughout his enemy's ranks.

-Sheritt. Eruhaben. Mila. Rasheel. Can all four of you please come here.

-Of course.

-We'll be right there.

-Would you like me to beat someone up for you?

Instead of responding, the door to his room opened and the eldest of his immortals gracefully strolled right inside. It was almost like she had been coming to check on him or standing guard outside. For some reason, a warm tingling filled the deity which the Dragon Lord sensed. Her lips curled up into a soft smile prior to her claiming the edge of his mattress.

"How was your sleep?"

<Surprisingly, quite pleasant.>


After a couple of minutes, the door reopened and the three requested mortals swiftly entered the room. A steaming cup of herbal tea with honey and lemon was handed to the youth by the beige haired woman. When she saw the teen's mask falter slightly, her motherly instincts took over and she patted his head in encouragement.

<What the- Why is Mila acting this way?>

"How can we help you, Cale?"

Red-browns met soft golds while the noble placed the cup to the side and retrieved his spatial pouch. They watched him write out a series of coordinates on four slips of paper. The one with the most on it was then handed to the man with a buzz cut.

"Rasheel. I want you to create a disturbance amongst Arm by destroying and looting their bases located at these coordinates. Take everything. Even if it seems worthless. If you find any dead mana, notify Ron and he'll have someone go retrieve it."

Delight and excitement radiated out of the gray dragon as he cracked his knuckles. Without even giving the God of Love a chance to change his mind, the mortal quickly took the slip containing the locations of his prey and vanished in a surge of gray light.

<Now that the most problematic one is gone, I can focus on my upcoming plans.>

Turning his attention to the eldest of the trio who had definitely heard his thoughts, the deity pulled out one of his artbooks. Intrigue shone in her beautiful sapphires when a sketch of a very elegant structure was revealed. Carefully, the immortal examined the drawing before the youth turned it to the next page which was a rough blueprint of the floorplan. There were many secret passage ways including the connection to a tunnel.

"Ilu will meet you where your palace used to be located. Show him these sketches as a base to work off of. I want the palace to have lots of plants and natural components. Also, feel free to place magic devices wherever you think they are necessary. Alright?"

Nodding in understanding, the snowy haired woman patted the noble's head in praise and teleported away. Her actions baffling the 19 years old just like the beige dragon's had.

<Why are Mila and Sheritt treating me like a child? I'm an adult!>

Even though his face was stoic, the two mortals could see his pupils shaking. They knew he still wasn't used to receiving affection from others. However, at least he wasn't rejecting it. Once he had calmed down, the youth focused on the younger of the duo.

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