Chapter 327

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Every single person in attendance shifted uncomfortably at the thought of playing a game with this mysterious entity. A few even glanced at the unconscious youth who was being protected by an opaque white mist. Most of his unusual family members had pulled out weapons from their spatial pouch as if they were going to take part in some form of combat. Did they know what the owner of the voice meant by game? Was it actually something incredibly dangerous?

Upon receiving confirmation that she was now well enough to move around, the still exhausted Queen motioned for assistance in standing up. Briskly, the Prime Minister and Captain of the Knights came to her aid and carefully helped her back onto her feet. Her once pristine gown was soiled by blood and tainted wine. No one spoke while she accepted and wiped her face with a dampened handkerchief. Once she was presentable enough to face her citizens, the woman known as the Lioness of Roija gracefully glided over to the destroyed railing. Running her gloved hand along a remnant of the barrier, the woman took a minute to process everything.

Soon a pair of worried hazels located the entity who had created the most damage to the grand hall. If the Molans weren't mortal, then they had to be one of the immortal races. Thankfully, they weren't members of the Demonic Race. Since it was known within the temples that demons only served the Cursed Gods and thus couldn't produce such holy radiance. Meaning her benefactor and his family had to be from the Divine Race. Right? Trying to hide the fact her hands were still trembling from fear, the Ruler glanced at the obviously fake Saint who had the gall to attack her guests. Now that his staff was broken he should pose very little threat to her kingdom. Relieved by this knowledge, the Queen surveyed the crowd while announcing.

"The Roija Kingdom will have nothing to do with the Cursed One or his followers. We will not take part in any games you wish to play."

Her serious declaration calmed the crowd momentarily. At least until the eerie laughter yet again began to echo around them. Chills raced down most of the mortals' spines. Many instinctively took a step backwards as if that would protect them from their invisible predator.

"Poor little Lilibet~ Who said anything about these games being optional?


They heard an entertained humming sound prior to the voice explaining with audible glee.

"Even the pitiful 'Chosen One' knows better than to refuse to play them~"

Unease filled those who heard the intruder's words. Why did someone who served a cursed lord call the one favored by all Gods pitiful? Couldn't the other Gods save him from the games?

"I'll tell you something~ Something the 'Chosen One' would never make public~"

Several natives from the Roan Kingdom subconsciously held their breath in anticipation.

"Lady Jour Thames Henituse was murdered~"

Confusion rapidly transformed into anger as the citizens of Roan realized their Crown Prince wasn't surprised by this revelation. Didn't that mean the Royal family was already aware of this fact? Just how long had they known? Why would they keep this a secret from the public? More importantly, had they looked for or caught her killer yet?

"All because her precious little baby disobeyed me~"

Every single outsider felt like a bucket of ice water had just been dumped on their heads. Horror instantly replaced any rage or indifference they were experiencing.

"Bwahahahahaha! You should've seen how badly it broke him!"

Those who had encountered the little redhead from the past froze in place. Their eyes contained a storm of emotions including sorrow, worry and guilt. A couple even peeked at the still hidden youth while recalling all the rumors and hatred that had been targeted at that same child.

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