Chapter 229

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Early the next morning, the youth woke up to find his kids were still sound asleep. His lips twitched in delight while he brushed stray raven colored locks out of his second youngest's slumbering face. After a few minutes of enjoying the pleasant sensation flowing through his body, movement caught his attention from the end of the large bed. Soon a set of groggy pale blues peered up at him. The 14 years old rubbed his eyes while greeting his father.

"Good morning, Papa."

<Come to think of it. He only started calling me Papa instead of Father the other night. It's nice.>

"Did you have a good sleep, Hoza?"

A brief nod came in response to the deity's question. Carefully, the noble moved his children off of him and got out of bed.

"Do you want to come with me to order breakfast?"

Excitement appeared on the White Wolf's face as the teen quickly jumped up and got changed.

<Looks like he really wanted to.>

Quietly, the God of Love slipped into the bathroom where he got dressed in an icy blue dress shirt and a pair of black pants with a matching jacket. There was a light gray ribbon holding back his still snow white hair. When he stepped back into the bedroom, his eldest's pupils quaked at the sight of what he was wearing. It was clear that his guardian had selected his outfit based on his own colorings. This made the boy incredibly happy.

"Are you ready to go?"


Grabbing his spatial pouch, the father and son duo made their way down the stairs to find a member of the staff. Instantly, the entire first floor went silent as all eyes focused on the deity.

<Ha— Not again. They act like they've never seen trash before.>

Eagerly, a woman dressed in a neat uniform approached the pair and took their long order. Her eyes kept peeking at the 19 years old who seemed to be completely clueless regarding the reason why. Even the younger teen could tell why everyone was staring at them. Pulling on his guardian's sleeve, the White Wolf anxiously whispered.

"...can you please put on a veil?"

<Is he ashamed to be seen with me?>

Silverish emeralds looked at his firstborn in disbelief and sorrow. Immediately, the gray haired child realized his mistake. Which was why the teen quietly explained.

"...people are staring because you're too handsome, Papa..."

<What? Have all the humans here gone insane?>

Patting his son in both gratitude and relief, the God of Love pulled out a black veil and, much to the onlookers' dismay, covered his face with it.

<Father, Hyung or one of the servants usually do these sorts of things for me... Ha— Should I send Choi Han next time? Or maybe I should get another servant.>

At the same time, a noblewoman in a dark pink dress strolled over to the pair.

"It's nice to see you again, Sir Amias."

Her eyes focused on the younger of the two.

"Who's this cutie-"

An arm instantly blocked her view as the deity growled.

"He's 14."

"Ho! I have a sister who's just your brother-"

Enraged that the human would dare approach one of his children with impure intentions, the white haired youth corrected the wench.

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