Chapter 232

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After spending a few bored minutes of watching the swordmasters slashing open the cages, the eldest present waved his hand. Instantly, gold dust materialized in the air around them prior to destroying all of the metallic enclosures and restraints. All eyes turned to look at him in either curiosity, fear, relief or gratitude. However, he ignored their stares as he observed the invisible entity who was secretly watching the black haired boy flying around with highest grade potions in his arms. Based on what the torture expert had told him, there were two baby dragons from another world amongst the survivors. Although the older one refused to let anyone approach them. Not even the kids could convince them to come play with them.

-Have either of you figured out a way to get them to talk to us?

-No. I tried to give them food, but he ran away from me. Even Dodori can't go near him.

-Children are troublesome. Why do I have to-

Irritated by the younger man's whining, the blond briskly interjected.

-Enough, Rasheel. The God of Love is concerned about them. According to Raon, the boy is covered in wounds which need to be treated. It's up to us to get them relaxed enough to accept treatment. Only a dragon can handle another dragon.

-Eruhaben's right. We've been given a task by a God. So stop complaining and help us figure out how to help them.

-Ha— Do we even know what language they speak?

-No. Cale didn't mention it to either Beacrox, Choi Han, Emeline or the kids.

-Then that's our biggest-

They heard the man with the buzzcut trail off and turned to see why. His dark grays were fixated on the four years old struggling to carry over a large blanket to the wary duo. He held it out to the invisible pair. A wide grin was plastered across his face. To their surprise, a boy with long dark purple hair appeared in front of him. He held a bundle protectively close to his chest.

-Am I seeing things?


-Come to think of it, Raon is quite fond of Kasul too. I never thought about it much before.

Intrigue shone in the elder's gold irises. Why hadn't he thought about this sooner. Up until now, he had noticed that the deity's youngest wasn't normal. Although he had just shrugged it off as a result of being raised by a God. Yet, there was another possibility that he should've considered much sooner. Could it be that he wasn't actually human?

-Problem solved. Now can I go take a nap?

-Ho? Sounds like Rasheel is asking for a beating~

Flinching at the tanned woman's indirect threat, the younger of the trio sighed and strolled over to the head of the Molan Household. If he couldn't sleep, then he might as well see if there was anything he could do to speed things along. Once they were done, he would definitely be able to get some rest like he wanted.

-I'll go ask Kasul to assist me in giving the baby dragons some potions.

Three hours flew by in the blink of an eye. At last, all of the trafficking victims had been freed, had their wounds treated, gotten a chance to bathe and changed into clean clothes. Next their names, hometowns and other important details were documented by the Deputy butler and female assassin. Since the servants were still finishing the preparations for dinner, the God of Love's group gathered in what appeared to have once been a lounge. Sky blues examined the bare empty shelves with growing unease.

"Do I even want to know how Cale came to own this residence?"

While her blood dongsaeng stuffed chocolate cake into his mouth, the older of the kittens took a bite of a cookie and disclosed.

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