Chapter 207

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Shouts and the sound of weapons clashing together flowed into the fifth floor's window. A gentle breeze crept through the curtains of the bed as the wind elementals playfully came to check on the sleeping deity. Even if he couldn't hear their voices yet, they enjoyed being able to watch and protect such a majestic entity. After a few minutes, long fiery eyelashes fluttered open to reveal a set of red-browns.

-He's awake! He's awake!

-Right? Let's go alert the others!

-I call dibs on telling his son!!

-Chaos! Love! Family! Happiness!

Running his hand through his hair, the God of Love sat up and looked around his room. There was a long haired blond quietly reading a novel in the sitting area. Pulling on a robe over his pajamas, the noble leisurely strolled over and plopped down onto the sofa. A pair of golden reptilians focused on him while he got comfortable. Closing his book, the ancient dragon alerted the immortals that the 18 years old was up before asking.

"How are you feeling today?"

There was no visible emotion on the redhead's face when he replied.


Intrigue shone in the older man's eyes. What could be baffling for the young deity?

"Would you like to discuss it?"

Before the deity could answer him, the door opened and two brunets entered the room. One carried a tray of food and snacks while the other held a cup of sweetened lemonade in his hands. They set the items down in front of the youth prior to claiming their own seats. Peering down at the beef steak, a strange discomfort flooded through him which made him feel extremely nauseous. Subconsciously, he swallowed from the unease before eating one of the steamed vegetables next to it. He was completely unaware that the others had noticed his brief hesitation. Both the chef and assassin could sense his chaotic emotions.


Red-browns met dark browns.

"Don't hide it."

Pupils shook slightly while the 18 years old realized his father and brother knew he wasn't okay.

"...I'm not really hungry..."

<I know it'll taste delicious since Hyung made it, but for some reason I can't eat the meat... I didn't have any issues last night at the inn... Is this because of the nightmare I had?>

His thoughts worried the duo who heard them. Just what had he experienced while he was asleep? Was it something that they should ask him about? Or would it be better for them to wait until he brings it up himself? Taking a sip of the less horrendous drink, the redhead did his best to recall the contents of his terrifying dream from the night prior.

"The Gods are hiding something from me."

All three men looked at him in surprise, curiosity and relief. It would seem he was willing to tell them about whatever was bothering him. No one spoke while they waited for him to continue.

"Things have been abnormal ever since the bastard God of Despair sent me to the other world."

Anger radiated out of the trio when they remembered what the Cursed God had done to their precious family member. Not only had he attempted to have a child attack him, but they also forced his soul out of his body and into a different one. Observing the deity closely, the ancient dragon folded his hands in his lap before seeking further clarification.

"Are you referring to the two unintentional physical transformations? Or have there been more side effects that you haven't told us about?"

This question caused the noble to nervously peek at the immortals.

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