Chapter 269

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A hand gently stroked some snowy locks out of the slumbering deity's face. It then traveled down to his shoulder prior to lightly shaking it. Immediately, the 19 years old groaned in protest to the action. Drowsy reptilians opened and shot a glare at the assassin whose benign smile was softer than usual. Concern was visible in his browns as they observed the youth. In his other hand was a cup filled with lemon tea which had been sweetened with high quality honey.

"Did you have a good nap?"

Taking a sip of his only slightly less horrendous drink, the noble nodded before deflecting back.

<What did the specialist say?>

"Nothing yet. He wanted you to be present when he told us the diagnosis."

Sensing his youngest's unease, the patriarch of the Molan Household sat down on the bed next to him and pulled him into another comforting hug.

"Listen, Cale. You are sick. Dr. Albwin just so happens to be a doctor who is skilled in treating your type of illness. I know a mortal can't do much for a God, but he can at least help us learn ways to keep you safe if you ever have another breakdown. Okay?"

<...what makes you think I'll try to do such a thing again?>

His question caused the older man's hold to subconsciously tighten in a protective way.

"I've seen your memories, Cale. You, Beacrox and I all know this wasn't the first time you have attempted such a thing. Especially during your second life."

No response came from his puppy of a son. He could see the boy fidgeting a little while lost in his records. Sighing, the brunet released the God of Love and stood up. He strolled over to the closet where he proceeded to select something loose for him to wear for dinner. It was a long flowing garment which he recognized from one of the books surrounding the Divine Dragons' ancient traditions and culture. Like most of his newer clothes, its back was open in order to allow him free access to his wings should he need them. Setting it down on the end of the deity's massive bed, the assassin calmly queried.

"Everyone's already started gathering in the dining hall. Do you feel well enough to join them or will you eat up here tonight?"

Instead of a verbal or mental response, the youth slid out of his warm refuge underneath his extremely soft blankets and started to disrobe.

<Did anything happen while I was asleep?>

A very vicious glimmer shone briefly in the other's eyes. Even his benign smile was terrifying.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Your brother and I simply had a chat with a certain Whale."

<Chat? Whale? Was he arranging things with Witira regarding the upcoming battle against Arm's 1st Battle Brigade? Both he and Hyung do tend to become more ruthless in matters when Arm is involved. I'll leave those matters to Papa for now.>

Amused relief filled the older of the two. His intelligent son really was clueless regarding matters surrounding himself, his domain and other people's emotions. Simply being able to sense and see them did not seem to raise his self awareness at all. While assisting the deity with the last layer of his outfit, the immortal replied.

"That's right. Leave all the stressful, tedious, irritating and problematic matters to me. Just focus on resting and recovering properly. Spend time with the kids. Be happy. Alright?"


<Easy enough to do.>

Once the 19 years old was ready, they headed downstairs to the Air Wing's dining hall. Excited voices could be heard before they had even arrived. Standing in the doorway leading to their destination were several members of his young flock. When they saw him, they ran over and hugged him tightly in happiness.

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