Chapter 286

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Half way into breakfast, the communication device in the God of Love's spatial pouch started flashing. However, the youth simply ignored it and continued to feed his baby daughter a spoonful of soft berries which she greedily ate with a grin. An almost white gaze peeked at the location the fluctuating mana was originating from. When he didn't answer it, the child decided it wasn't important. At least until the device started to react to yet another incoming call. Curiously, she peered up at her guardian to see if he'd answer it. Or was it possible he just hadn't noticed it yet? When she glanced at her older brothers, she saw all three had also noticed the device was ringing. It wasn't until the sixth call attempt, that the blue haired girl pulled on her father's sleeve. Almost immediately, the noble looked down at her with an unintentional soft expression.


<Wait- Did Aera just speak?>

Wide silverish emeralds stared down at his youngest child. At the same time, pride filled the 19 years old who stroked his daughter's head.

"Yes, Sweetie?"

Her tiny hand pointed to where his spatial pouch was hidden inside his clothes.

"Dongsaeng's right, Papa! Your communication has been going off for a while now!"

<Ha— Of course they would sense it.>

Since his father still didn't seem to be answering his device, the black haired boy whose lips were covered with syrup from his fluffy waffles queried.

"Aren't you going to see if it's Dada calling?"

<Alberu would teleport here himself or send someone if it was that urgent.>

Anticipation shone in each member of his flock's eyes. Sighing in defeat, the noble pulled out the device which lit up again for the tenth time. Gold mana connected the call for him which caused the youth to look at the eldest of the mortals. Although the ancient blond was pretending to be disinterested in their chat and was gracefully eating a piece of juicy beef steak.


Everyone could see the God of Love stiffen up at the sound of the crazy battle junkie's voice.

<What the f*- Why in the realms would he call me his friend?!>

Using a stoic mask to hide his annoyance, the noble took a sip of his tea before replying in a somewhat cold and disinterested tone.

"Is there a reason you interrupted my family's breakfast, Toonka?"

Subconsciously, the large warrior flinched and looked just off screen. In a matter of seconds, the second in command appeared who respectfully bowed as he greeted the young deity.

-I apologize for the inconvenience this idiot has caused you, Your S- Holy Eminence. I told him to contact you. Although I did not expect him to pester you until you answered his calls.

-But, Glenn! I had to tell him about our victory!

<Did this f*- impatient bastard seriously interrupt my precious time with my family just to report that he won a battle against the Empire?>

Several experts noticed the noble's eyebrow twitch. His divine energy fluctuated chaotically around him while the 19 years old set his cup down on the table in front of him.

"Toonka. Harol. Could this call not have waited until later?"

Just as the mana resistant mage was about to speak, a messily cut up piece of fruit appeared directly in front of the youth's face. This sight caused the smaller brunet's pupils to quake in both fear and awe. Especially since a pair of undisguised reptilian sapphires were glaring towards them. Clearly, the little boy was trying to tell them to leave his father alone so they could spend more time together. Swallowing the rapidly growing lump in his throat, the plain looking human clenched his fists behind his back and disclosed.

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