Chapter 340

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Laughter filled the crowded restaurant which the God of Love had somehow found himself being dragged into by his former subordinates. Resting on the table between them were various dishes containing bibimbap, tteokbokki, bulgogi, jjigae and jajangmyeon. Unfortunately, the deity could not bring himself to eat any of it since the pair had only ordered their favorite meat based foods. As a result, he sat silently listening to the duo while sipping a glass of soju. They were both eagerly updating him on all of the events which had happened since his sudden departure from their city. Including the unexpected promotion, retirements of their annoying superiors and the marriage of several of their teammates. After a few minutes, his former second in command finally noticed he hadn't touched the delicious cuisine spread out before him.

"Is everything alright, Team Leader?"

Downing the rest of the contents of his glass, the disguised being of light went to stand up from his seat. However, his escape was quickly stopped by the worried healer.

"Where are you going, Ahjussi?"

Red-browns peered down at the place where the younger man was holding in slight desperation onto his arm. Fear radiated out of him. For some reason, he felt like he'd never see him again if they parted ways now. Except none of these emotions made any sense. They hadn't even seen each other in over four years. So why did he feel the way he did?

"Ha— Listen, Kim Min Ah. Jung So Hoon. I didn't come back to this city to visit old friends. I'm here due to an urgent personal matter."

Immediately, the woman sat up straight with a serious expression on her face. Similar to how she had behaved in the past, the former assistant team leader had already decided she would help him with whatever issue had brought him back to them.

"How can we help?"

<Perfect~ Looks like I can use them for some free labor while I'm here."

Reclaiming his seat, the weary deity decided to explain in limited detail to the mortals.

"Several days ago, one of my daughters was kidnapped. According to what I have been able to figure out myself, she was brought to this city and is being kept prisoner somewhere."

A coughing fit came from the youngest of the trio who could not believe what he had just heard.

"Y-You have a child? No. Wait- Someone kidnapped your kid?"

Both humans stared at him in bewilderment. Out of all the scenarios they had come up with regarding his disappearance, none of them had anything to do with him settling down and having a family! Since when did this workaholic even find a partner to have a baby with?!

"May I ask how old she is?"

They saw a soft smile flicker briefly across his face as he honestly answered.

"She's going to turn 12 when the year changes."

Jumping up from his seat, the flustered member of the support team shouted loud enough for everyone else in the restaurant to hear.

"12?!! How old were you when you- Ow!!!"

"Obviously, he adopted her."

Holding his throbbing head, the almost thirty years old man sulked because he had gotten nonverbally reprimanded for disrupting the peace. At the same time, the spear wielder skillfully refilled the God of Love's glass with some expensive alcohol. Her lips curled up into a smile when he actually accepted it and began to drink the delicious beverage.

"That's correct. All of my children so far have either been adopted or placed under my direct guardianship for protective reasons."

Deep purples flowed out of the woman seated across from him. As if her aura was made up of tiny blossoms dancing in a gentle spring breeze. For a brief moment, a sorrowful expression was visible on her face. Although a forced smile soon replaced it.

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