Chapter 290

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Pitch black storm clouds started to rapidly cover the starry night sky. A loud rumbling alerted the soldiers standing watch of the incoming storm. Flashes of rose gold lightning lit up the darkness which was followed by a loud explosion. Yet it was not the thunderbolt which caused the mortals to panic. It was the fact that the silhouette of two people wearing matching black masks and outfits were made visible by the burst of light. One of the people who were standing above the wall of fire shot fireballs into the sky while laughing maniacally. Each time the fireballs ran into each other, a loud explosion shook through the air around them. Trembling from both anger and fear at the sight of magic, one of the warriors turned to his companion and shouted.

"H-Hey! Hurry up and go report this!"

Flustered by the scene playing out in front of them, the younger soldier rushed towards the base where their leaders were currently resting after dealing with the earlier chaos. However, before they arrived at their destination, multiple tents started to brighten up. Both of their chiefs and dozens of warriors started to come out of their tents with their weapons drawn. Their gazes all focused on the cause of the deafening noise. Clenching onto his spear, the human turned his attention to the sky which was raging with small sparks from within the black clouds. A storm was rapidly brewing. No. Rather than a storm, this was a typhoon.


These masked individuals continued to laugh as the one shot his magic into the air.

<Wow. Eruhaben and Papa are really enjoying themselves.>

Just out of view, stood the God of Love who was carefully examining the pillar of fire which was even taller than the Maple Castle. It was as if they were the stereotypical villains. For those on the ground below, they were witnessing yet another peculiar scene. After all, the rain clouds were only above the castle. Strong gales of wind prevented the warriors from approaching the wall of fire while the voices of the elementals flooded into the youth's ears.

-This is so much fun!


-Boom! Swoosh! Chaos! Happiness!

Dyed crimsons peered down at the glowing blue necklace around his neck.

<The Dominating Water. I will probably need to use more this time around than I did in the Jungle. Should I go find myself another water ancient power?>

Slowly, drops of ice cold water began to fall down from the rumbling sky. Although they almost instantly turned into steam when they touched the noble's slightly exposed flesh. Closing his eyes, the 19 years old focused on the energy radiating out of the fancy looking pendant. He needed to increase the number of water droplets if he was going to put out the fire.

"Let's get started."

-Got it.

-Leave everything to us.

Another loud explosion created by magic echoed in the sky. At the same time, the noble finally opened his now blue glowing eyes. What had started as a light drizzle quickly became heavy torrents of rain which limited everyone's vision. Its flow was so powerful that the spectating soldiers subconsciously stepped back in order to put space between themselves and the target of the pelting droplets. To their surprise, a familiar voice shouted.

"Everybody, retreat!"

Many looked at their commander in confusion while others started to run back towards the shelter of their tents. Yet another order soon came from their leader.

"All warriors with magic resistance move to the front!"

Swiftly, his subordinates got into formation with their weapons drawn. Even if their movements were startlingly quick, they were still oddly awkward. Although such a thing could not be helped since it was as if nature itself was enraged. It was as if the Maple Castle was at the heart of the storm. Yet there was something far more eye-catching than the thunderbolts, blinding downpour and overwhelming gales.

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